Jokimetsän laulu:Jalava Lomake

Kohteesta ExcaliburWiki
Versio hetkellä 27. huhtikuuta 2010 kello 12.33 – tehnyt Gilead (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuun
Nimi: Laakson Kultainen Jalava, (Kurogu, Nomun klaanista) Motivaatio: Soturin Tie
Kasti: Aamu Anima: Jalavan kultaiset lehdet ja lopulta itse puu


Strength WWDots4 NoAlpha.png Charisma WWDots2 NoAlpha.png Perception WWDots4 NoAlpha.png
Dexterity WWDots5 NoAlpha.png Manipulation WWDots1 NoAlpha.png Intelligence WWDots2 NoAlpha.png
Stamina WWDots3 NoAlpha.png Appearance WWDots5 NoAlpha.png Wits WWDots3 NoAlpha.png


Dawn Zenith Twilight
Archery WWDots0 NoAlpha.png Integrity WWDots3 NoAlpha.png Craft WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Martial Arts WWDots5 NoAlpha.png Performance WWDots0 NoAlpha.png Investigation WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Melee WWDots0 NoAlpha.png Presence WWDots0 NoAlpha.png Lore WWDots2 NoAlpha.png
Thrown WWDots0 NoAlpha.png Resistance WWDots2 NoAlpha.png Medicine WWDots2 NoAlpha.png
War WWDots2 NoAlpha.png Survival WWDots2 NoAlpha.png Occult WWDots1 NoAlpha.png
Night Eclipse Other
Athletics WWDots2 NoAlpha.png Bureaucracy WWDots0 NoAlpha.png WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Awareness WWDots2 NoAlpha.png Linguistics WWDots2 NoAlpha.png WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Dodge WWDots3 NoAlpha.png Ride WWDots0 NoAlpha.png WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Larceny WWDots0 NoAlpha.png Sail WWDots0 NoAlpha.png WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Stealth WWDots0 NoAlpha.png Socialize WWDots0 NoAlpha.png WWDots0 NoAlpha.png

Combat & Advantages

Dodge DV: 6 Health Levels Willpower
Parry DV: 5.5 -> 6  0 WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png
Soak: 8 B / 8 L / 7 A -1 WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png
Movement: 5 / 11 -2 WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png Essence
Mental Dodge DV: 6 WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png
Mental Parry DV: 1 -4 WWSquareE NoAlpha.png Personal: 16 (Max) ___(Curr.)
Join combat: 4 Incapacitated WWSquareE NoAlpha.png Peripheral: 40 (Max) ___(Curr.)
Join debate: 4 Dying 3 x WWSquareE NoAlpha.png Committed: 2
Weapons & Attacks Virtues
Name Speed Acc Dam Def Rate Range Ammo Compassion WWDots2 NoAlpha.png
Clinch 6 +0 +0 - 1 WWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.png
Kick 5 +0 +3B -2 2 Conviction WWDots3 NoAlpha.png
Punch 5 +1 +0B +2 3 WWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.png
Tonfa 5 +0 +4L +2 3 Temperance WWDots3 NoAlpha.png
WWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.png
Valor WWDots4 NoAlpha.png
WWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.pngWWSquareE NoAlpha.png
Limit Break
Armor   WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png
Name Soak Hardness Mob. Fat. Virtue Flaw:
Orichalcum Chain Shirt 7L / 5B 3L / 3B Experience
__ / __ __ / __ Current:
__ / __ __ / __ Total:


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
MArts WWSquareX NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png
MArts WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareX NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png


Name Ability Cost Duration Type Keywords Effect Page
Ox-Body x2 Res - - Perm. 2 x (One -1 and two -2) 208
Graceful Crane Stance Athl 3m Scene Refl Keep balance. Keep footing on anything as strong and wide as human hair. 222
Fists of Iron Technique MArts 1m Instant Suppl +1 acc +2 dam, lethal, can parry lethal attacks 242
Sledgehammer Fist Punch MArts 3m Instant Suppl Obv Anima flares. Doubles raw damage against inanimate object 242
Dragon Coil Technique MArts 3m Until next action Refl (step 1) +3 in dice pools to inflict, maintain and control clinch. Clinch crush damage lethal and +3 dam 242
Solar Hero Form MArts 6m Scene Simple Obv Kämmeniin syttyy kirkas kalpean kultainen valo, joka hohtaa suljetun nyrkinkin sormien raoista. Spend one mote in step 7 to count the successes of unarmed MArts attack twice for the purposes of determining damage. 242
Heaven Thunder Hammer MArts 3m Instant Suppl Throw enemy backward one yard for each point of pre-soak damage. Striking hard objects causes one die of damage for each yard they otherwise would have travelled. 242
Hammer on Iron Technique MArts 3m 1wp Instant Extra Action 4 attacks against same target. No multiple action penalties. DV penalty equal to the highest penalty for any one attack. 243


Name Cost Charms


Resources WWDots1 NoAlpha.png Artifact WWDots1 NoAlpha.png Followers WWDots2 NoAlpha.png
Repussa parin päivän ruuat ja vaihtovaatteet, hieman jadea Neidon Paita Legioonakavereita

Merits & Flaws

Name Description Pts Page
Past Lives Muistaa jonkin verran aiemmista elämistään 2 60
Code of Honor Soturin Tie (paitsi jos saa epäonnistuttua Conv) 5 71
Enchanting Features Viehättävät piirteet 2 51
Born to Rule Luontainen auktoriteetti 2 51
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Kamppiksen sivulle

Takaisin Jalavaan