Vampire Noir The Investigation:Necromancy

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Sepulchre = aavepathi, Ash = Twilight pathi.


Aavepathin teho riippuu tietenkin kovasti aaveista, joten oletan tässä aggressiivisten aaveiden (eli käytännössä semmosten jotka osaa hyökätä morttien kimppuun) olevan harvinaisia ja vaikeasti kontrolloitavia.

Olen suunnitellut käyttäni aaveita:

  • Scouttaukseen
  • Varjostamiseen/tiedonkeräykseen
  • (Combat) utilityyn (morttien käskytys ja illuusiot)
  • Hyökkäykseen


All targeted powers in this path require the necromancer to either see the targeted ghost, be holding one of it's anchors or know its name. Although the necromancer needs the entire name, the intention is what matters: the necromancer can always call the right Virtanen no matter how many of them share the exact same name.

Holding an object of great importance to the ghost targeted gives +1 to the approriate rolls.

* Death Calls to Death

Translation guiden ash path 1 + sepulchre path 1. Koska kummatkin on heikkoja, mutta ash path 1 sentään sopii sepulchre path ykköseks. En jaksa edes kopioida sepulchre path 1:stä tähän koska en usko ikinä käyttäväni sitä.

The vampire can sense ghosts. Whenever the character enters a haunted area or comes within 20 feet of a ghost’s anchor, the Story-teller should roll the character’s Wits + Composure. If the roll succeeds, the character realizes that he is near a ghostly object or a haunt. This doesn’t necessarily mean that a ghost is presently nearby (since some ghosts have multiple anchors), but it lets the vampire know that he might wish to investigate further. Given some time, the necromancer can identify the anchor in question

Wits + Composure

** Summon Soul

Translation guiden Sepuchre 2 + huomio siitä, että jos sitä käyttää siihen, että ankkuroi hengen niin se kestää yön loppuun.

The necromancer can call up a ghost from the Underworld or from Twilight. The vampire acts as a temporary anchor, allowing the ghost to manifest and answer questions. The vampire can force the ghost to answer a number of questions equal to the vampire’s Necromancy rating. Any questions beyond this number require a Manipulation + Occult roll to keep the summoning steady. If this roll fails, the ghost vanishes.

Presence+Occult+Sepulchre extended tn ghosts wp. Cost: 1 wp, Duration: Until morning or questions answered.

*** Sever Anchor

nWodin aaveet ei pääse kovin kauas ankkureistaan. Tämä on tarkotettu sen "korjaamiseen".

The vampire severs a ghosts links to his anchors. If the vampire wins, he or the ghost must spend a point of willpower for a duration of one week or a dot for a duration of one year. For the duration, the ghost is free to wander the twilight, but cannot manifest.

Presence + Occult + Sepulchre Path vs Power + Resistance, cost: 1wp, duration: 1 week

**** Compel Soul

Translation guiden Sepulchre 3.

The Necromancer can force a ghost to obey his commands for a scene. The ghost is only bound by the letter of his commands unless the necromancer achieved an exceptional success.

Manipulation + Occult + Necromancy vs Power + Resistance. Duration: one scene.


*** The Dead Stick

The Necromancer anchors up to his necromancy ghosts in a piece of wood around the size of a walking stick or a club. The stick gives anyone holding it the ability to communicate with the ghosts bound to it.

The stick looks black, decayed and creepy no matter how much paint or gold plating is applied to it and causes intense pain to any living being in contact with it. Mortals touching the stick get a penalty equal to the ghosts anchored to the stick to all pools from the intense pain.

Used as a weapon, the stick functions as a club (damage 2B) against supernatural beings and as a sword (3L) against mortals.

***** The War Stick