Puun Taimi
Ihmisdruidi 6 / Master of Many Forms 1
STR 8; DEX 8; CON 12; INT 17; WIS 20; CHA 8
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Natural Spell
Skills: concentration 1+9 = 10 craft 1 diplomacy -1+3 = 2 disguise -1+11 = 10 handle animal -1+4 = 3 heal 5+5 = 10 Hide -1+5 = 4 Jump -1 knowledge(nature) 5+5 = 10 listen 5+5 = 10 Profession 5 Ride -1 Spellcraft 3+7 = 10 Spot 5+5 = 10 Survival 5+5 = 10 Swim -1+6 = 5
Loitsut: 5 0-tason loitsua Cue minor wounds Detect magic purify food and magic Guidance Know direction
3 1-tason loitsua +2 Magic Fang * 2 Bouyant lifting Camouflage Winter Chill
3 2-tason loitsua +1 Mass camouflage Healing Sting splinterbolt * 2
2 3-tason loitsua +1 blindsight entangling staff Jagged tooth
Kamat: Beastskin armor 4 000 gp cloak of wisdom 4 000 gp