Maria of Tycheros "Horns"
Crew: Dark Tide Playbook: Hound Look: Tall, Beatiful. White hair. Black ram horns on the sides of the head. Clothes: Thigh high boots, Tailored mens clothing, Enormous greatcloak
Vice - Weird, The Hooded Proprietor. What even is this "guy"?.
- Background: Law
- Heritage: Tycheros
Deadly Frieds
Steiner, an assassin +Celene, a sentinel. Melvir, a physicker. Veleris a spy - Casta, a bounty hunter
Fluctuating Stats
Desperate Stats
- Insight
- Prowess
- Resolve
Heritage, background
Issues from vice/trauma
Hunt ** Study Survey * Tinker
Finesse * Prowl * Skirmish * Wreck *
Attune * Command * Consort Sway *
The Doge
Tier +1 Scale 0 Hunter +Fearsome -Savage
Special Abilities
Ghost Hunter: Your hunting pet is imbued with spirit energy. It gains Potence when tracking or fighting the supernatural, and gains an arcane ability mind-link.
Focused: You may expend your special armor to resist a consequence of surprise or mental harm (fear, confusion, losing track of someone) or to push yourself for ranged combat or tracking.
Survivor: From hard-won experience or occult ritual, you are immune to the poisonous miasma of the deathlands and are able to subsist on the strange flora and fauna there. You get +1 stress box.
A Little Something on the Side: At the end of each downtime phase, you earn +2 stash
Saapui Tycheroksesta metsästäen lainsuojatonta. Meni Huppupäisen Isännän Outoihin Käytäviin joiden takana on Oudompia Saleja ja jäi vähän sille tielle.