4ep:Adventurer Posse

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Versio hetkellä 14. toukokuuta 2010 kello 00.27 – tehnyt Sakri (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
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Adventurer Posse

Level 5 Minion
Large natural humanoid (swarm)
Initiative +2
Senses: perception +2
Swarm Attack aura 1; Adventurer Posse makes a melee basic attack against any enemy who begins its turn in the aura
HP: 1, a missed attack never damages a minion
AC 19, Fort 17, Ref 17, Will 17
Speed 6


[MBA] Posse's Might (standard; at-will) * Weapon
Automatic hit; 1/2 level + 1 damage (3)

[R] Posse's Zap (standard; encounter) * Arcane, Force
Ranged 20; +7 vs. Reflex; 2d4 + 4 force damage

Brave Retreat
Whenever Adventurer Posse is reduced to 0 HP, it immediately escapes the combat instead of dying. Adventurer Posse regains 1 hit point at the end of the encounter.

Hey, He's My Pal! (immediate interrupt, when an enemy makes a melee attack against an ally within 5 squares; encounter) * Martial
Adventurer Posse moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to the triggering enemy and becomes the target of the attack instead of the original target.

Mirror Images (immediate interrupt, when hit by an attack; encounter) * Illusion, Psionic
The triggering attack misses Adventurer Posse.

Adventurer Posse may temporarily develop extra powers or traits at the DM's discretion.

Tactical Bickering
Adventurer Posse may only use one encounter power each encounter.

We Are Needed Elsewhere (at-will; standard) * Divine
Safely remove target ally within sight from combat. The ally must be unconscious or dying. A dying target is stabilized. Adventurer Posse is reduced to 0 HP, triggering Brave Retreat.


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