EIA:Rise of Napoleon kamppis
Alkaa 1775 September. Voi jatkua 1815 December asti.
Revolution-track alkaa kohdasta 20, Russia-track alkaa kohdasta 19. Faasi II.
Political situation
Austria N5
Britain N9
France N7
Turkey N3
Prussia N6
Russia N8
Spain N7
Sweden: N5
Existing wars:
GB vs Spain
GB vs France
Russia vs Turkey
Russia vs Sweden
France vs Austria
Peli päättyy kun jokin maa pääsee yli VP tavoitteestaan. Jos kukaan ei pääse ennen 1815 December vuoroa, poistetaan kaikki joukot laudalta. Sitten lisätään 1815 December pisteiden päälle kerättävissä olveva manpower (ei free state) ja jos joku pääsee vp-rajasta yli, niin voittaa. Jos useampi voittaa yht. aikaa, on kyseessä tasuri. Jos kukaan ei voita, Englanti voittaa.
Austria 570
Britain 630
France 600
Turkey 520
Prussia 540
Russia 590
Spain 530
France 86I, 8C, 8s+2t, 5 depots, 15$
Russia 100I, 6C, 4Gd, 8s+2t, 4 depots, 40$
Prussia 60I, 8C, 4 depots, 20$
Austria 65I, 6C, 4Gd, 5 depots, 25$
Spain 40I, 9s+1t, 3 depots, 60$
Great Britain 20I, 4C 28s+2t, 1 depots, 15$
Turkey Kaikki feudaalit normaalisti, 10I, 6C, 7s+3t,3 depots, 15$
Ottomaanit: 30I, 12C (Setupissa kaikkien ottomaanicorpsien on aloitettava omasta minoristaan)
Voidaan pelata 8:lla pelaajalla (Ruotsi) tai yhdeksällä (Ruotsi ja Naples).
Ruotsi 35I, 3C, 10S, 2 Depots, 50$
Puola on itsenäinen ja siihen kuuluu kaikki Puolan osat.
Austria conquered: Berg, Lombardy, Venice, Romagna, Tuscany Emigrees control (10I, 1C) including Kingdom of two Sicilies.
Britain free states: Hanover Conquered: Gibraltar, Malta
France Conquered: Flanders, Palatinate Corsica is a French province, not a minor country.
Prussia Conquered: Kleves, Saxony, Duchies
Russia Conquered: None Georgia does not produce Cossacks until Russia has fought Persia without losing control of Tiflis. Poland still controls Lithuania.
Conquered: None
Turkey Conquered: Rhodos Ottoman empire is in existence with all participant countries. Ottoman empire is dissolved 1799 January (or earlier if Turkey enters Fiasco zone) all participant nations becoming independent regardless of who is in control. Their starting forces also reset to 1805 campaign start values.
Neutral minor special rules
Armed neutrality alliance (Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Russia) Any DOW on any member nation except Russia is considered a DOW on all member nations and must be payed for separately (very expensive). Russia gains an additional +2 (for war) to gain control if this happens.
Sweden includes Mecklenburg.
Britain (only) may attack any fleets belonging to the alliance, unless it is on the Mediterranean/Black sea. If Britain wants to raid a port, minor troops&fleets are placed on board for that turn only.
French free DOW on Holland does not count as a DOW on all members.
1805 January, the alliance is dissolved, all rules above are null and void. Alliance is also (temporarily) cancelled if all participant nations are controlled by a major power.
Holy Roman Empire
Baden, Bavaria, Wurttenburg, Hesse, Prussia and Austria form HRE. Austria and Prussia cannot DOW Baden, Bavaria, Wurttenburg or Hesse without DOWing all other members of HRE also. Other nations are not so restricted. If Austria or Prussia DOWs HRE, Austria and Prussia cannot make informal peace (for this war only).
This rule is revoked if France, Austria or Prussia becomes dominant, but not before 1800.
Kingdom of Sardinia
Sardinia consists of Sardinia and Piedmont. There is no main district and all parts must be conquered separately. A DOW on Kingdom of Sardinia is also considered a DOW on Britain. A DOW on Sardinia by Britain costs 2 additional PP.
Starting forces: 9I, 1C (12I, 1C. faasissa II)
Switzerland is worth 0/0 until 1796.
The very first DOW on Papacy costs 2 additional PP. (except for Republican/Imperial France) Also, all nations (except Turkey) have a free DOW on the agressor (again, Republican/Imperial France is not included)
Amsterdam has two fletches, except in winter months. Siege battle in Amsterdam is always worth 1PP, regardless of the current months.(Cancel if Amsterdam is conquered)