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Pimton Holmes, heikkojen puolustaja ja suuri sankari. Ei pelkää mitään, jos sitäkään. "Kunniakoboldi" "Koskaan ei tule taistella kunniattomasti, mutta sellaista tekoa joka edistää suurempaa hyvää, ei tule koskaan tulkita kunniattomaksi." Male halfling Paladin 3, Monk 1, Unchained rogue 4 Alignment: LG, Deity: Chaldira Zuzaristan Str: 11 Dex: 20+2belt=22 Con: 14 Int: 8 Wis: 16+2headband=18 Cha: 14 HP: 76 -rolls: 56 AC: 10 +6(dex) +4(insight: wisdom) +4(shield) +4(mage armor) +3(defensive Crane style) +1(dodge) +1(size) +4(Crane wing) +2(deflection: shield of faith) +2(Barkskin) =Fully buffed AC 41 Flat: uncanny dodge Touch: 33 CMD: 29 Attack 7(base)+6(dex)+1(WF)+1(weapon)-2(defensive)+2(scabbard)=+15/+10 Damage 1d6+6(dex)+2d6(sneak)+2(scabbard)=3d6+9 Smite 3d6+12 Feats: Weapon focus: dagger (Rogue talent), Dodge (Monk bonus), weapon finesse (bonus), Crane style, Crane wing, Quick draw, Step up Improved initiative Powers: Sneak attack +2d6, Finesse training, Evasion, uncanny dodge, debilitating injury, Aura of good, Detect evil, Smite evil 1/day, Lay on hands 2/day, Divine grace, Aura of courage, Divine health Mercy: sickened Rogue talents: Weapon training, Combat training Saves: F+11/R+16/W+10 (+2 vs fear) Base Attack: +7 Skills: Acrobatics 5+6+3=14 Perception 8+4+3+5+2=22 Escape artist 7+6+3=16 Stealth 7+6+3+4=20 UMD 7+1+3=11Sälää
Headband of charisma +2 Belt of dex +2 Eyes of the eagle Wand of Shield 48 Wand of CLW 3xscroll of mage armor 5xscroll of shield 5xscroll of shield of faith 4xscroll of barkskin 5xscroll of eagles splendor Cloak of resistance+1 Dagger +1, Keen 5xscroll of mirror image Scabbard of vigor 6 daggers 650gp