
Kohteesta ExcaliburWiki
Versio hetkellä 18. tammikuuta 2017 kello 19.12 – tehnyt Tappajasorsa (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuun

STR 17
DEX 17
CON 15
INT 19
WIS 12

Race: Whitehaveniläinen

Fighter 1, Necromancer 2

HP: 10(fighter)+11(Necromancer)+2(favoured class)+6(Con)=29

HP rolls: 6+5

Initiative +7

AC 20 (with shield)

XP 5000

Banned schools: Enchantment, Evocation.

Feats: Improved initiative, Arcane strike, Power attack, Combat reflexes

BAB +2
AB +6
DMG 1d10+5+PA/2d6+5+PA/1d8+4+PA


F +4 R +3 W +4


Common, Draconic


Appraise 3+4+3=10
Climb 1+3+3=7
Diplomacy 0-2+2=0
Perception 3+1+0=4
Knowledge religion 1+4+3+2=10
Knowledge arcana 3+4+3=10
Knowledge history 1+4+3=8
Knowledge nobility 1+4+3=8
Knowledge planes 1+4+3=8
Knowledge dungeoneering 1+4+3=8
Ride 1+3+3=7
Spellcraft 3+4+3=10
Survival 3+1+3=7
Swim 1+3+3=9

Mundane Gear

CHain short 50
Heavy wooden shield 7
Morning star 8
Composite longbow (+3) 400
Arrows (100) 100
Long sword 15
Halberd 10
Great sword, Alchemical silver, MW 440
Dagger 2
Backpack 2
Bedroll 0.1
Crowbar 2
Belt pouch 1
Spell component pouchx10 50
Rope 50' 1
Shovel 2
Waterskinx4 4
Flint and steel 1
Bull's eye lantern, waterproof 17
10xOil 1
Blanket, winterx2 1
4 spellbooks 60
Cold weather outfitx2 16
Explorer's outfit 10
Travelers outfitx2 2 Pathfinders kit 12
Tent, Large 30
14xrations 7
Map 50
Fishing net 4
Saltx12 60


The good stuff

Bonded item: Ring of protection +1 500
Potion of CLWx4 450
Potion of prot evilx1 100
Potion of comprehend languagesx1 100
Potion of enlarge personx4 200
Scroll of grease 25
Scroll of obscuring mistx2 50


Spell book


Ray of enfeeblement S
Mage armor 
Shield x
Enlarge person
True strike xx
Grease x
Obscuring mist