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Kohteesta ExcaliburWiki
Base stats: 17, 16, 13, 11, 11, 8
Modified stats: Str 11, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 20, Wis 8, Cha 11 (elf, +2 int, +2 dex, -2 con) (level 4: +1 int)
Level: Wizard 4 HD: 4d6 (+4 favoured class) Medium humanoid (elf) Speed: 30ft. Saves: Fort +3, Refl +5, Will +5 AC: 14 (+4 dex) Skills: Valitsematta Feats: 1: Iron will 3: Reserves of strenght Classi: Wizard 1 evocation spec., arcane familiar (rat) prohited: necromancy, enchantment Traits: Dangerously curious (+1 UMD, UMD is a class skill) equ: Ring of feather fall (4x extra lvl 2 spells,2 from scrolls, 2 copied- 800 + 300 + 150 = 1250gp) 2550sp Spellipooli: 7 +5 (bonus from int) +4 (evocation bonus) =12+4(evocation) Loitsukirja: Valitsematta #Endure elements, Shield, Mage Armor, Summon monster, Identify, Burning hands, Magic missile, Shocking grasp, silent image #Resist energy, Web, See Invisibility, Scorching ray, Flaming sphere, invisibility, fox's cunning, haste