Tämä sivu sisältää roolipelihahmon. Pelaaja: KoneV. D&D 4.0.
Tannel Laithennie on haltiavelho.
Level 27 Unaligned Elf Wizard, Arcane Wayfarer, Archmage (W, AW, A)
Init +20; Senses Passive perception 48, Low-light vision, Darkvision; Passive insight 28
Speed 8; teleport 3
Str 14; Con 20; Dex 14; Int 27; Wis 21; Cha 10
Ac 41; Fort 41; Ref 40; Will 40
HP 130; Bloodied 65; Surge value 32; Surges/day 11
Skills Acrobatics (t) 20, Arcana (t) 28, Athletics (t) 20, Bluff 13, Diplomacy 13, Dungeoneering (t) 23, Endurance 18, Heal 18, History (t) 26, Insight 18, Intimidate 13, Nature (t) 25, Perception (t) 38, Religion 21, Stealth 15, Streetwise 13, Thievery 15
Race features Low-light vision, Elven accuracy
Class features W feat: Ritual caster; W: Staff of Defense; W (feat) Orb of Imposition; AW: Blink Strike; AW: Wayfarer's Action; AW: Wayfarer's Step; A: Spell recall; A: Arcane Spirit
Feats Skill training (perception), Armor proficiency (leather), Student of battle (athletics), Fleet-footed, Skill training (nature), Improved Staff of Defense, Skill focus (perception), Inescapable force, Epic fortitude, Second implement, Skill training (acrobatics), Familiar (bat), Spell accuracy, Robust defenses, Unfettered stride, Mettle
Languages Common, Elven; Deity Azuth/Boccop/Ioun(?); Affiliation Korvakopla