EIA:New Player Countries

Kohteesta ExcaliburWiki
Versio hetkellä 1. heinäkuuta 2012 kello 14.09 – tehnyt AapoAlas (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuun


Naples and Holland begin the game as minor countries. While minors, they have some extra rules:

  • Minor countries may not demand an unconditional surrender.
  • Minor countries surrenders are always conditional. ie. Victor may not demand unconditional surrender.

Other common rules:

  • Money and manpower from provinces are doubled while controlled.


Common rules

  • Sweden begins the game as a major country.
  • Victory condition: Gain 665 victory points
  • Sweden makes her land moves between Prussia and Great Britain and her naval moves between Prussia and France.
  • Ship building: Sweden gets 2$ discount when building a ship.
    • This discount does not affect or cumulate with other discounts such as using hulks to build ships.
  • Double income: Sweden recieves double $ and MP from:
    • Always: Sweden, Finland, Mecklenburg.
    • If dominant power: Karelia, Livonia, Pommerania
  • It is possible for Pommerania, Livonia and Karelia to be considered provinces of two different major powers.
  • Sweden recieves corps and fleets that are marked with an area, if in posession of said area(s).
  • Swedish guard cannot be committed.
  • Sweden's national modifiers versus Denmark, Mecklenburg and Hanover are +1 and versus all countries in Africa and the Mid-East it is -2.

Initial setup

  • Starts with Sweden, Finland and Mecklenburg as core provinces.
  • Starts on political track: N1
  • Forces for Phase I campaign: 11 Inf, 6 SoL
  • Depots for Phase I campaign: 1/6
  • Cash: 15$


-15$ and 6MP for +2 PP
-9$ or 5MP for +1 PP
+8$ or +4MP for -2 PP
+8$ and +4MP for -3 PP

Corps composition

Old Sweden Gustav's Sweden Sweden Modern Sweden
I 10I 1G 11I 1C 2G 12I 2C 2G 15I 3C
II 10I 12I 1C 14I 2C 17I 3C
III 6I 12I 1C 14I 2C 17I 3C
IV N/A 7I 1C 8I 2C 10I 3C
V N/A N/A 8I 2C 10I 3C
VI (Denmark) 10I 12I 1C 14I 2C 17I 3C
VII (Livonia) 10I 12I 1C 14I 2C 17I 3C
VIII (Karelia) 10I 12I 1C 14I 2C 17I 3C
Kungliga livregementets husarer (C) 3I 2C 4I 4C 8I 6C 10I 10C
Artillery (Dominant) N/A N/A 4A 6A
Fleet I 10S 20S 30S 30S
Fleet II N/A N/A 30S 30S
Fleet III (Dominant) 10S 20S 30S 30S
Fleet IV (Denmark) 10S 20S 30S 30S

The Kungliga livregementets husarer corps starts as a 0I 1C and upgrades one step at a time at each Phase change or according to Russia-track.


  • Infantry 3
  • Cavalry 4
  • Guard 5
  • Ships 3
    • 3.5 while in or adjacent to Sweden or Finland



  • Default 121D
  • Gustav IV Adolf 113A(R) (Remove 1808)
  • Sandels 241D
    • Cannot operate outside Finland/Karelia.
    • If Sandels is in Finland, Finland has guerrilla value 4.
      • This also applies to Karelia if it has been ceded and currently owned by Sweden.
  • Adlercreutz 233B
  • Döbeln 332C
  • Bernadotte 323A
    • Becomes available 1810 or according to track


  • Default 21D
  • Gustav III 43A(R) (Remove 1792)
  • Cederström 23B
  • Cronstedt 22B

Special rules

Ceding Karelia:

  • Sweden, and Sweden only, can demand that Karelia is ceded from Russia in a formal peace.
  • This has no further negative effects on Russia than the actual loss of the province.
    • There is no -1PP loss per turn for Sweden holding St.Petersburg when Karelia is ceded.
  • Once ceded, Karelia becomes a Swedish province and Sweden may draft her manpower normally.
    • After Karelia has become a swedish province, Russia or any other major, may demand to cede Karelia from Sweden in a formal peace as any normal province.
      • Russia or her allies cannot regain control of Karelia simply by occupation.
      • If any other nation than Russia has ceded Karelia from Sweden as described above, either Russia or Sweden or their allies may liberate Karelia by occupying all of her cities.
    • If Russia regains control of Karelia she regains her status as a Russian provice.
      • St.Petersburg becomes a Russian capital as normal. (Moscow still counts as a capital too.)
      • Russia gets manpower from Karelia.
      • Karelia may not be ceded by any other country than Sweden and only in a formal peace.

Effects of conquering Denmark:

  • Remaining Danish ships are added to Swedish navy.
  • Swedish infantry morale rises to 3.5.
  • Swedish guard can be committed (+1 only).

Achieving dominant power status:

  • If Sweden controls Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Mecklenburg, Karelia and two of the following: Pommerania, Livonia and Poland (must be formed) during new political combinations step, Sweden can achieve dominant status.
  • All minors mentioned above become Swedish provinces (but revert back to minors if lost) as do all conquered provinces.

Effects of dominant power status:

  • Sweden recieves corps and fleets marked dominant.
  • Swedish infantry morale rises to 4.5.
  • A single Swedish leader gets +1 to all stats.
  • The province of Sweden is worth 10$ more in every economic phase.

Kingdom of Two Sicilies

Common rules

  • Kingdom of Two Sicilies starts the game as a minor country.
  • Victory condition: Survival
  • Kingdom of Two Sicilies makes her land moves between Turkey and Austria and her naval moves between Prussia and Austria.
  • KoTS's national modifiers versus any Italian minor is "+1" and versus all countries in Africa and the Mid-East it is '-2'.
  • KotS recieves double $ and MP from all Italian minors including Sardinia, if she is a major power.

Initial setup

  • Starts with Naples and Sicily as core provinces.
    • Naples is the capital district.
  • Alliances: France, Great Britain, Russia, Austria and Spain
  • Starts on political track: I9
  • Forces for Phase I campaign: 12 Inf, 2 SoL
  • Depots for Phase I campaign: 1/5
  • Cash: 10$


-15$ and 6MP for +2
-9$ or 5MP for +1
+8$ or +4MP for -2
+8$ and +4MP for -3

Corps composition

Bourbon Sicily Resisting revolution Fighting for survival Italy
I 10I 12I 1C 14I 2C 17I 3C
II 8I 10I 12I 1C 14I 2C
III N/A N/A 12I 1C 14I 2C
IV 6I 7I 1C 8I 2C 10I 3C
V N/A 7I 1C 8I 2C 10I 3C
VI N/A N/A N/A 10I 3C
VII (Venetia) 10I 12I 1C 14I 2C 17I 3C
VIII (Piedmont) 6I 8I 10I 1C 14I 2C
IX (Piedmont) 6I 8I 10I 1C 14I 2C
X (Lombardy) 10I 1C 12I 2C 14I 3C 18I 4C
Guard (Dominant) N/A N/A 4G 1C 5G 2C
Fleet I 10S 20S 30S 30S
Fleet II N/A N/A N/A 30S
Fleet III (Dominant) 10S 20S 30S 30S
Fleet IV (Venetia) 10S 20S 30S 30S


  • Infantry 2
  • Cavalry 2
  • Guard 5
  • Ships have morale 3
    • 3.5 while in or adjacent to any Italian province.



  • Default 111D
  • Cardinal Ruffo 122D
    • Ruffo takes no prisoners: All troops captured by a stack led by Ruffo are eliminated. Leaders are not eliminated.
  • Ferdinand I 112A (R)
  • Pepe 233B
    • Becomes available once Kingdom of Two Sicilies gains major power status.


  • Default 21D
  • John Acton 22C

Special rules

Resisting the revolution:

  • Kingdom of Two Sicilies cannot break her alliance with France, nor can France.
  • Once Emigrees are on the board, the alliance is automatically broken and KoTS and France are automatically at war.
    • The war can only end in an unconditional surrender (exception to minor status rule), unless the Emperor has been crowned.
    • KotS must demand restoration of Bourbons if victor and Emperor has not been crowned yet.
    • If KoTS surrenders to France, France can demand any minors or provinces as if France had a corps in them.
  • If KoTS and France are in an enforced peace due to the revolution track or a surrender, war is automatically resumed after the enforced peace is over, unless Emperor has been crowned.
  • KotS controls the emigrees and is not restricted in their use.

Achieving major power status:

  • If KoTS controls Sicily, Papacy, Romagna and any two of Piedmont, Venetia and Lombardy during new political combinations step, KoTS becomes a major power. All minors mentioned above become KoTS provinces (but revert back to minors if lost).

Effects of major power status:

  • KoTS infantry morale rises to 3.
  • KoTS cavalry morale rises to 3.
  • KoTS recieves corps and fleets that are marked with an area, if in possession of said area(s).
  • Remaining Venetian ships are added to KoTS navy, if KoTS controls Venetia.

Achieving dominant power status:

  • If KoTS controls Sicily, Papacy, Romagna, Piedmont, Venetia, Lombardy, Sardinia and Illyria during new political combinations step, KoTS can achieve dominant status.
  • All minors mentioned above become KoTS provinces (but revert back to minors if lost) as do all conquered provinces.

Effects of dominant power status:

  • KoTS recieves corps and fleets marked dominant.
  • KoTS infantry morale rises to 4.
  • KoTS cavalry morale rises to 4.
  • A single KoTS leader gets +1 to all stats
  • The province of Naples is worth 10$ more in every economic phase.

Dutch Republic

Common rules

  • Dutch Republic starts the game as a minor country.
  • Victory condition: 720
  • Dutch Republic makes her land moves between Prussia and (Sweden) Great Britain and her naval moves between France and Spain.
  • Dutch Republic recieves double income from the provinces of Holland and Flanders.
  • Dutch Republic's national modifiers versus all countries in Africa and the Mid-East it is '-2'.

Initial setup

  • Starts with Holland and Flanders as core provinces.
    • Flanders has been ceded to Austria.
  • Alliances: France, Great Britain
  • Starts on political track: I6
  • Forces: 6 Inf, 8 SoL
  • Cash: 12$


-15$ and 6MP for +2
-9$ or 5MP for +1
+8$ or +4MP for -2
+8$ and +4MP for -3

Corps composition

Dutch Republic End of Golden Age Holland The Netherlands
I 10I 12I 1C 15I 2C 20I 3C
II N/A N/A 15I 2C 20I 3C
III (Dominant) 10I 12I 1C 15I 2C 20I 3C
IV 8I 10I 12I 1C 14I 2C
V N/A 10I 12I 1C 14I 2C
VI N/A N/A N/A 14I 2C
Fleet I 10S 20S 30S 30S
Fleet II N/A N/A 30S 30S
Fleet III (Dominant) 10S 20S 30S 30S


  • Infantry 2
  • Cavalry 4
  • Ships have morale 3.5



  • Default 111D
  • William I 112A (R)R
  • Prince of Orange 123B (R) (1806)
  • De Winter 232D
    • De Winter cannot lead both a corps and a fleet at the same time.
  • Daendels 223C


  • Default 21D
  • De Winter 23C
    • De Winter cannot lead both a corps and a fleet at the same time.

Special rules

Sister republic:

  • Revolutionary France may demand alliance as a peace condition from Dutch Republic.
    • If such an alliance is formed, Dutch Republic cannot break the alliance and must grant French forces full access.
    • If France surrenders unconditionally, Dutch Republic may break the alliance if it does so immediately.
    • France may break the alliance at will.

Dutch East India:

  • Dutch Republic controls 5$ worth of British colonial trade as the game starts (British trade income is reduced by 5$).
    • Dutch Republic and Great Britain may demand the transfer of 5$ worth of colonial trade (not American) from the other in any kind of surrender.

Achieving major power status:

  • If Dutch Republic controls Flanders, Kleves and Hannover during new political combinations step, Dutch Republic becomes a major power.
  • All minors mentioned above become Dutch Republic provinces (but revert back to minors if lost).

Effects of major power status:

  • Dutch Republic infantry morale rises to 3.

Achieving dominant power status:

  • If Dutch Republic controls Berg, Hesse, Duchies, Magdeburg, Flanders, Kleves and Hannover during new political combinations step, Dutch Republic can achieve dominant status.
  • All minors mentioned above become Dutch Republic provinces (but revert back to minors if lost) as do all conquered provinces.

Effects of dominant power status:

  • Dutch Republic recieves corps and fleets marked dominant.
  • Dutch Republic infantry morale rises to 4
  • Dutch Republic ship morale rises to 4.
  • A single Dutch Republic leader gets +1 to all stats
  • The province of Holland is worth 10$ more in every economic phase.