EKOSS:HerwoodinExaltit:Toivottoman hahmo

Kohteesta ExcaliburWiki
Versio hetkellä 9. kesäkuuta 2012 kello 11.11 – tehnyt Toivoton (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
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Elikkä Toivottoman hahmo:

Nimi: Toilailee Vihreesti
Str 2 // I'm relatively weak, but moved 120 tons of stuff over 2 months in game
Dex 1 // I'm clumsy and slow
Sta 2 // Not often in poor health (1) but I tire easily (3). Worth noting that I could be constantly sick in creation - diffrent diseases and so on..
Cha 2 // ... I hope..?
Man 1 // Direct and open, but mainly I don't think what I say as carefully as I should.
App 2 // ... I hope...? On the low side of 2 at least - I sure as hell aren't close to 3...
Per 1 // Always inattentive and distracted
Int 2 // Nooooot quite 1, but not really bright either for 3.
Wits 1 // Perpetually distracted.
Firearms 1 // Ei yhtä hyvä kun ne jotka otti 2.
Martials 0 // Never hit someone in anger and while I did some martial arts when I was little, I sure as hell cant break a board with my bare hands or perform basic moves flawlessly in an exhibition.
War 0 // Played wargames.. badly..
Integrity 1 // A bit under average.
Performance 0 // Can't sing/play/something well enough that people invite me to do it for them.
Presence 1 // Not very good.
Resistance 1 // Not sick all the time, but I do have allergies.
Survival 0 // Nnnno.
Crafts 0 // Do ANYTHING without modern tools? Nnnnope. Think I'll take a spec of "modern tools and ingridients" in water though..
Investigation 0 // Talented in missing things.
Lore 1 // GM fiat.
Medicine 1 // Can neither stich a wound or set a fracture... mutta tiedän vähän teoriaa ja on jopa voimassa oleva ensiapu... kurssi? todistus? jotain?
Occult 0 // Can't appease a god or tell when someone is casting a spell.
Athletics 0 // Yeah not athletic. At all.
Awereness 0 // Do I really have to explain this one? ;)
Dodge 0 // I'm pretty sure I couldn't avoid a street urchins knife.
Larceny 0 // Not that I have ever tried but I'm pretty sure any shopkeeper will see it from my face before I even try...
Stealth 0 // I'm going to read that as "Can avoid pursuit" and no I can't do that.
Bureaucracy 0 // Don't know anything about selling horses. (Yes that's a strawman, but I seriously don't know how stuff works in that world and It's not like I'm a shrewd businessman in this one..)
Linguistics 0 // I know none of the language families listed and I'm not good at learning languages.
Ride 0 // I THINK I've seen a horse like really close up when I was really little. That doesn't really give me a lot of confidence to break a wild horse..
Sail 0 // Couldn't catch a merchant ship with a pirate corsair. Not even if the merchant ship was beached.
Socialize 0 // The examples are amusingly simple and I still doubt I'd manage them.
Diminished Sence (sight) 2 // You know - glasses
Compassion 2 // Actually I might even pass for 3 if I were braver and more assertive, but tbh the impulse comes from it being "the right thing to do" instead of some deep feeling of compassion.
Conviction 1 // ... Yeah if even that..
Temperance 1 // ... Yeah if even that..
Valor 1 // Tempted to put 0 here, but I don't think that's possible...
Willpower 4 // A bit under average. After some more thinking, I think my problem is more the low conviction - I can force myself if I really have to.
Essence 1 // Standard mortal.

Exaltaatio anto: +2 WP (nyt 6)