LohhariExalted:Paju Expankäyttö

Kohteesta ExcaliburWiki
Versio hetkellä 14. lokakuuta 2024 kello 19.53 – tehnyt Amoeba (keskustelu | muokkaukset)
Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuun

Pelin aikana

Saatu expaa:

  • Normaali: 22 + 26 + 24 + 24 + 24 + 12 = 132
    1. 4+4+4+4+6 = 22
    2. 4+4+4+4+6+4 = 26
    3. 4+4+4+4+8 = 24
    4. 4+4+4+4+4+4 = 24
    5. 4+4+4+4+4+4 = 24
    6. 4+4+4 = 12
  • Lohhari: 16 + 19 + 18 + 18 + 18 + 9 = 98
    1. 3+3+3+3+4 = 16
    2. 3+3+3+3+4+3 = 19
    3. 3+3+3+3+6 = 18
    4. 3+3+3+3+3+3 = 18
    5. 3+3+3+3+3 = 18
    6. 3+3+3 = 9

Kulutettu expaa:

  • Normaali: 132 -109 = 23
    • Tenhot: 109
  • Lohhari: 98 -84 -(29 + 12 + 24 + 10 + 9) = 14
    • Taidot: 29
    • Erikoistumiset: 12
    • Ominaisuudet: 24
    • Evokaatiot: 10
    • Meriitit: 9



Ability Nosto Exp Opettelu
Linguistics 2->3 4 xp Helmen saarella harjoitusta.
Socialize 4->5 7 xp Helmellä harjoittelua.
Performance 4->5 7 xp Amiraliteetin jäsenille puhumisesta inspiroituminen.
Awareness 2->3 4 xp Tarkkaa havainnointia matkalla Linthojen kimppuun.
Resistance 2->3 4 xp Linthamyrkyn vastustaminen.
War 0->1 3 xp Salama-ballistan kanssa harjoitelu & amiraliteetin toimien seuranta
-> xp
Yhteensä 29 xp


Alue Attribute Milloin / Miten
Creatures of Death Arch Vinkkejä Merivalkaman munkeilta
Battle wounds Med Merivalkamassa Nandan jälkeen tappeluvammojen hoitoa
Join Battle Aw Linthojen kimppuun valmiina ampumaan
Creatures of Death Occ Ohdanussa opittu aaveista käytännön syistä
Yhteensä 12 xp


Attribute Nosto Exp Milloin / Miten
Appearance 3->4 12 xp Viehättävyys puhkesi kukkaan kun pääsi hienosto-politikoimaan Merivalkamassa.
Manipulation 3->4 12 xp Ohdanun politikointi opetti olemaan kierompi.
0 xp
Yhteensä 24 xp


Taikaesineiden evokaatiot

Evocation Esine Muuta
Lehtien Peitto Kiertyvät Taimet Aseen kanssa meditointia matkalla Tuulenportille
Yhteensä 10 xp


Merit Nosto Hinta Muuta
Influence (Peleps) 2->3 9 xp Maineen nostoa taistelusta Anateemaa vastaan
Yhteensä 9 xp


Nimi Abil Exp Opettelu
Hidden Secrets Whisper Occ 8 xp Jarod Altan saarelta lähdön jälkeen, Medeolta neuvoja.
Wind-Carried Words Technique Lin 10 xp Helmen saarella muiden esimerkistä opettelua.
Dragon’s Sacred Talon Occ 8 xp Aallonharjalla munkeilta oppia epäkuolleita vastaan.
Invisible Street Performer Technique Perf 8 xp Paluumatkalla Tuulenportille jotta voi helpommin kääntää mielipiteitä.
Sky-Calming Draw Arch 8 xp Kultapurjeissa tapahtumia odotellessa.
Disease-Banishing Technique Med 8 xp Kultapurjeiden ruttoa parannellessa.
Smoke-Wreathed Mien Soc 8 xp Varuillaan oloa Merivalkamassa
Shadow-Dispersing Radiance Soc 8 xp Merivalkamassa aseman ottamista
Rumor-Dredging Gaze Soc 8 xp Merivalkamassa asioiden selvittämistä
Quarry Revelation Technique Surv 8 xp Sirpin satamasta Linthojen perään merihirvion jälkien haistelua
Death From Nowhere Arch 8 xp Linthoja vastaan käydessä inspiroituminen.
Elemental Bolt Attack: Earth Lore 3 xp Linthapomon tajuttomaksi ampuminen
Venom Expulsion Method Med 8 xp Linthapomon myrkyn hoitaminen kavereista pois
Ration-Enhancing Method Surv 8 xp Randanilla syitä kehittää jäljitystaitojaan
? xp
Yhteensä 13* kpl 109 xp (12 * 8 xp + 1 * 10 xp + 1 * 3 xp)



  • Drawing Lightning Style
  • Spring Follows Winter

Jos korjattu:

  • Harvest of the Hunter
    • Arrow Thorn Technique

MA (Wood style)

Soul-Marking Style Cost: 1m, 2i; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Decisive-only, Wood Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Eyes of the Wood Dragon Striking through her enemy’s flesh to reach at his spirit, the Immaculate drives a thorn of deadly Essence into his soul. As long as her decisive attack deals damage, further Wood Dragon attacks are guided by her awareness of the soul mark, granting the benefits of aiming (Exalted, p. 196) against that foe for the scene. Spirits suffer a −1 crippling penalty on all actions for the scene.

Wood Dragon Form Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: Form, Wood Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms: Mind-Over-Body Meditation, Soul-Marking Style The Immaculate strikes her own pressure points and chakras with a series of quick, precise blows, bringing her Essence into perfect alignment. She gains (lower of Essence or Stamina) temporary −1 health levels the first time she enters this form in the scene. She keeps these health levels even if she leaves this form. At the end of the scene, these temporary health levels fade, and all damage contained in them returns to her normal health track. Additionally, when the Immaculate lands a decisive attack from 12+ Initiative that incapacitates a nontrivial enemy, she resets Mind-Over-Body Meditation. Special activation rules: When the Immaculate heals enough damage from Mind-Over-Body Meditation or similar effects to reduce her wound penalty, she may reflexively enter this Form.


Spirit-Detecting Mirror Technique Cost: 1m; (+1wp) Mins: Occult 1, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Air, Balanced Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms: None Drawing back the veil between worlds, the Dragon-Blood makes invisible spirits and phantasms visible within the glass. To use this Charm, she must be touching a mirror or a similar reflective surface, such as the blade of a well-polished daiklave. The Exalt can see the reflections of dematerialized characters in reflective surfaces, and can even hear what they say in the form of whispers that rise up from the surface. Only the Exalt is capable of seeing the reflection — to others, even the spirit itself, it doesn’t appear. This doesn’t allow the Dragon-Blood to physically interact with spirits, but it can be used in conjunction with magic that does. Using reflections to pinpoint a foe is somewhat awkward — instead of fully negating the −3 penalty for attacking a dematerialized spirit one can’t see, it reduces the penalty to −1. If there are a lot of reflective surfaces around, this penalty is negated. An Occult 5, Essence 3 the Dragon-Blood may pay one Willpower to make the spirit reflections visible and audible to her allies as well. Their attacks against it still take a −1 penalty.

Eternal Death-Banishing Blossom (Wood Signature)
Cost: 3m, 1wp (+3a on next turn); Mins: Occult 5, Essence 3 Type: Simple Keywords: Perilous, Signature (Wood) Duration: Until next turn Prerequisite Charms: None The Dragon-Blood, utterly serene, channels the fierce persistence of life through her anima banner, which branches out like a great tree budding with petals of iridescent light. To use this Charm, she must be at bonfire anima. She gains +2 Defense and (Essence + 3) bonus soak. Against undead enemies or necromantic attacks, this increases to +3 Defense and (Essence + 5) soak. On the Dragon-Blood’s next turn, as long as she’s still at bonfire anima and not crashed, her anima banner finally blooms as she expends it. Petals of shimmering Essence fall out to 100m from her. This petal-storm is harmless to the living, but any undead or ghost caught in it must succeed on a difficulty 5 (Stamina + Resistance) roll or take aggravated damage equal to (the Exalt’s current Initiative/2, rounded up), minimum (Essence). Even dematerialized undead are afected by the petals. Trivial undead foes are automatically destroyed. Against undead Exalted such as Abyssals and powerful beings such as Deathlords, the damage can’t exceed (her Essence). This Charm can only be used once per day.


Clear-Eyed Courtier’s Scrutiny (Air Signature)
1/day, make single Read Intentions vs. all characters I can perceive, +1 auto succ. Choose either intentions or Intim. for single topic. If fail, can attempt again in same scene.

Watching the Salon’s Shadows Cost: 1m; Mins: Socialize 4, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Balanced, Fire Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Loyalty-Reading Meditation, Smoke-Wreathed Mien Even as she flaunts her finery and shares laughter with intimate friends, the Dragon-Blood is at her most vigilant. She gains +1 Guile against the read intentions roll of a character she’s unaware of. If she defeats his roll, she may roll (Perception + Awareness) with an automatic success to detect him.


Lightning Declamation Style Cost: 1m; Mins: Performance 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Air, Balanced Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None The voice of a dragon evinces perfection. The Exalt gains an automatic success on an oratorical Performance roll. If she’s upholding a Major or Defining Principle, she gains an another succeess.

Sanxian-Charming Fingers Cost: 1m; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Wood Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None The Dragon-Blood draws on practice-honed perfection and creative virtuosity, gaining an automatic success on a Performance roll to play a musical instrument.

Voice-Uplifting Aspect Cost: 1m; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Air, Balanced Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None The Dragon-Blood sings with the voice of the winds, adding two automatic success on a Performance roll to sing.




  1. Mental: Per 4, Int 3, Wits 5 = 76/84; 4 -> Str, 4 -> Man
  2. Physical: Dex 5, Sta 3, Str 1 = 52/52; 4 -> Str 2
  3. Social: Cha 4, App 3, Man 1 = 36/36; 4 -> Man 2


  • Free dots:
    • The Cloister of Wisdom: Integrity, Lore, Martial Arts
    • Archery, Performance
  • Favored: Martial Arts, Socialize, Lore, Occult, Integrity
  • 70 xp:
    • MA (Wood Dragon Style): 16, 1 -> 5 dots
    • Medicine: 19, 0 -> 5 dots
  • 1 dot: Athletics, Awareness, Bureaucracy, Investigation, Linguistics, Occult, Resistance, Socialize, Survival: 27
  • 1->3 dots: Performance, Socialize: 8
  • Specialities:
    • Background – Integrity: Dragonblooded, Martial Arts (Wood Dragon Style): Staves
    • Socialize: High Society, Performance: Speeches, Investigation: Plots


  • Free: Archery (Unobstructed Hunter’s Aim), Brawl/MA (Become the Hammer), Medicine (Master Healer Meditation), Performance (Audience-Enthusing Display), Socialize (Loquacious Courtier Technique)
  • As chosen charms, below: Awareness, Investigation, Integrity

Charms: 150 xp (15+3 / 15+3)

  • Wood Dragon Style, 24 xp: Wood Dragon Vitality, Eyes of the Wood Dragon, Mind-Over-Body Meditation
  • Socialize, 24 xp: Friend-to-All-Nations Attitude, Sweeten-the-Tap Method, Loyalty-Reading Meditation
  • Medicine, 16 exp: Wound-Closing Technique, Ailment-Sensing Meditation
  • Performance, 16 xp: Hidden Petal Aria, Talented Improvisation
  • Lore, 16 xp: Elemental Concentration Trance, Elemental Bolt Attack
  • Occult, 8 xp: Seed and Salt Warding
  • Survival, 8 xp: Beast-Taming Aspect
  • Integrity, 8 xp: Granite Curtain of Serenity (Exc)
  • Resistance, 10 xp: Ox-Body Technique
  • Awareness, 10 xp: Precision Observation Method (Exc)
  • Investigation, 10 xp: Indisputable Physical Analysis Technique (Exc)

Bonus exp: 50+8+6+16->73 / 80

  • Abilities: 43
    • 5, Perf 3->4 (Talented Improvisation)
    • 5, Socialize 3->4
    • 9, Archery 1->4
    • 12, Lore, Survival, Occult 1->3 (Elemental Bolt Attack, Beast-Taming Aspect)
    • 1, Integrity 1->2
    • 10, Investigation, Awareness, Resistance, Linguistics, Athletics 1->2
    • 3, Sail 0->1
    • 5, Presence 0->2
  • 8, Manipulation 2->3
  • 6, Artifact 2 (Cleansing Brooch)
  • 16, Charms (Auspicious First Meeting Attitude, Hidden Secrets Whisper)


  • 3 exp per dot; Martial Artist merit is free, doesn't require Brawl 1
  • 5 dots in Backing, Command, Contacts, Followers, Influence, Language, Resources, and Retainers (for Scarlet Dynasty members and other nobility)
    • Resources: 3
    • Influence (Peleps): 2
  • 13 dots free
    • Language: 2 (Old Realm, Seatongue)
    • Artifact: 3 (Green jade(?) Chain shirt)
    • Artifact: 3 (Green jade(?) Powerbow)
    • Contacts: 5 (House Peleps)
  • Bonus experience:
    • Artifact: 2 (Cleansing Jade Brooch)

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