
Kohteesta ExcaliburWiki
Versio hetkellä 4. joulukuuta 2017 kello 22.26 – tehnyt Sdrachus (keskustelu | muokkaukset) (→‎Yleiset)
Siirry navigaatioonSiirry hakuun


  • Bard 8
  • Human (Puhuu murtaen)
  • Male
  • BAB +6/+1
  • F3/R8/W8
  • HP 41+d8+1
  • AC 20
  • Iniative +6
  • CMB +8
  • CMD 20
  • Aligment LN
  • Favored Class Bard
  • Exp: 57510/75k
  • Tapsan free-expat: 2350


  • STR 18 = +4 (20 = +5)
  • DEX 14 = +2
  • CON 12 = +1
  • INT 11 = 0
  • WIS 14 = +2
  • CHA 16 = +3 (20 = +5)


  • Stealth* 8 dex 13 (12)
  • UMD* 8 cha 16
  • Spellcraft* 6 int 9
  • Perform: String* 2 cha 10
  • Perform: Dance* 4 cha 12
  • Perception* 8 wis 13 (18)
  • Knowledge: Arcana* 4 int 10
  • Knowledge History* 4 int 10
  • Knowledge Local* 8 int 14
  • Knowledge: All 0 int 3



  • Bardic knowledge
  • Bardic performance (19/day)
    • Countersong
    • Distraction
    • Fascinate
    • Inspire courage +2 (charm, fear, to hit, dmg)
    • Inspire competence +3 (skill)
    • Suggestion
    • Dirge of Doom
  • Versatile performance: Dance (acrobatics, fly), String (bluff, diplomacy)
  • Well versed (+4 to saves against bardic performance, sonic and language dependent effects)
  • Lore Master (may take 10, 1/day take 20)


  • EWP: Falcata
  • Lingering Performance
  • Power Attack
  • Improved Iniative
  • Spellfocus: Enchantment


  • Platinasormus (shield other)

Weapons & Armor

  • Dagger
  • MC Dagger
  • Club
  • MC composite shortbow (S5)

Magic Items

  • Falcata +1, Frost D6
  • Dagger +1
  • Chainshirt +1
  • Light Wooden shield +1
  • Belt of str +2
  • Headband of cha +4
  • Amulet of natural armor +1
  • Eyes of the eagle +5
  • Extend Rod, lesser (lvl0-3, 3/day)
  • Wand of Magic Missile clvl3, 37/50 (2 missileä)
  • Wand of Mage Armor


  • Invis



  • lvl1: 6
  • lvl2: 5
  • lvl3: 3

Spells Known

  • lvl0: Light, Detect Magic, Summon Instrument, Know Direction, Magehand, Open/Close,
  • lvl1: Liberating Command, Remove Fear, Saving Finale, Cure Light Wounds, Feather Fall, Detect Secret Doors, Invigorate, Erase
  • lvl2: Heroism, Mirror Images (d4+2), Glitterdust, Cacophonous Call, Piercing Shriek, Cure Moderate Wounds
  • lvl3: Confusion, Haste, Slow
