Ero sivun ”LohhariExalted:Paju Lomake” versioiden välillä

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| colspan=2 | Join Battle || Aw
| colspan=2 | Join Battle || Aw
| colspan=2 | Creatures of Death || Occ

Versio 30. syyskuuta 2024 kello 18.56

Nimi: Paju Vakava Motivaatio:
Aspekti: Puu Anima: Kukkaisköynnöksiä


Strength WWDots2 NoAlpha.png Charisma WWDots4 NoAlpha.png Perception WWDots4 NoAlpha.png
Dexterity WWDots5 NoAlpha.png Manipulation WWDots4 NoAlpha.png Intelligence WWDots3 NoAlpha.png
Stamina WWDots3 NoAlpha.png Appearance WWDots4 NoAlpha.png Wits WWDots5 NoAlpha.png
Linguistics WWDots3 NoAlpha.png
Lore WWDots3 NoAlpha.png
Occult WWDots3 NoAlpha.png
Stealth WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Thrown WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Awareness WWDots3 NoAlpha.png
Craft WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Integrity* WWDots2 NoAlpha.png
Resistance WWDots3 NoAlpha.png
War WWDots1 NoAlpha.png
Athletics WWDots2 NoAlpha.png
Dodge WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Melee WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Presence WWDots2 NoAlpha.png
Socialize* WWDots5 NoAlpha.png
Bureaucracy WWDots1 NoAlpha.png
Investigation* WWDots2 NoAlpha.png
Brawl WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Larceny WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Sail WWDots1 NoAlpha.png
Archery* WWDots5 NoAlpha.png
Medicine* WWDots5 NoAlpha.png
Performance* WWDots5 NoAlpha.png
Ride WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Survival WWDots3 NoAlpha.png
Merit Dots Type
Resources WWDots3 NoAlpha.png S
Contacts (House Peleps) WWDots5 NoAlpha.png S
Influence (House Peleps) WWDots3 NoAlpha.png S
Languages: High Realm;
Old Realm, Seatongue
WWDots2 NoAlpha.png P
Artifact: Kiertyvät Taimet (Green Jade Powerbow) WWDots3 NoAlpha.png S
Artifact: Kirkas Aatos (Jade Chain Shirt) WWDots3 NoAlpha.png S
Artifact: Siisteyden rintaneula WWDots2 NoAlpha.png S
Martial Artist !Free! P
Other abilities
Martial Arts* (Wood Dragon Style) WWDots4 NoAlpha.png
Craft: type WWDots0 NoAlpha.png
Specialties Abil
Staves (Wood Dragon Style) MA
Creatures of Death Arch
Dragonblooded Int
Speeches Perf
High Society Soc
Plots Inv
Battle wounds Med
Join Battle Aw
Creatures of Death Occ
DB experience
Resolve: 4 Guile: 5
Intimacy Intensity
"Valaistuneiden lohikäärmeiden perillisenä minulle kuuluu hyvä elämä." Defining
Peleps: Uskollisuus Major
"Seuraan Virheettömän Veljeskunnan oppeja." Minor
"Parannan muiden vammoja & sairauksia, joten olen hyvä ihminen." Minor
Ashira: Turhautuneisuus & Ylenkatse Minor
Perhe (aviomies & muut lapset): Huolehtiminen Minor
Darin: Suojelteva lapsi-johtaja Minor
Inara: Luotettava Pelepsien etujen ajaja Minor
Limit Trigger
A short description of the character's Limit Trigger.
Limit Break
WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png
WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png
WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png
WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotFull NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png WWDotEmpty NoAlpha.png
Personal: __ (Max) ___(Curr.)
Peripheral: __ (Max) ___(Curr.)
Committed: __
Other pools: __


Combat values
Join battle: 8 (+3 succ, excl)
Evasion: 3
Soak, natural: 3
Combat actions, p. 197-199:
Dex + Dodge pool: 5   (Disengage; Rise From Prone vs. close opponent (diff 2); Take Cover)
Dex + Athletics pool: 7   (Rush; against Disengage; Withdraw (goal number 10))
Health Levels
  0 WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png
-1 WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png
-2 WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareE NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png WWSquareF NoAlpha.png
-4 WWSquareE NoAlpha.png
Incapacitated WWSquareE NoAlpha.png
Weapons & Attacks
Name WithAtt WithDam Parry WeapAcc WeapDam WeapDef OvWh Tags
Unarmed 14 9 5 +4 +7 0 1 Bashing, MA, Grappling, Natural
Jade Staff 13 14 6 +3 +12 +1 4 Bashing, MA, Reaching
Elemental Bolt 9+ 12 Below 12L 4 Archery
Accuracy bonus at range: Close: +5, Short: +4, Medium: +3, Long: 0, Extreme: -2
Powerbow 9+ 14 Below 12L 4 Lethal, Archery (Long)
Accuracy bonus at range: Close: -1, Short: +5, Medium: +3, Long: +1, Extreme: -1
Name Total Soak Armor Soak Hardness Mob. Pen. Tags
"Vihree takki" 11 +8 7 -1 Silent


Name Ability Cost Duration Type Keywords Effect
Excellency All below 1m Scene Refl Bal (Elem) Gain dice (max Ability + Speciality) as follows: +1 always, +1 for relevant speciality, +1/+2 if applicable intimacy (life-threatening situation counts as +2 to surviving), +0-+2 from anima.
Excellency+ Aw, Inv 1m Inst Suppl Bal (Elem) Gain +1 succ and convert all dice from this charm to succ (2 dice -> 1 succ, round up).
Loquacious Courtier Technique Soc As Excellency+ Bal, Fire, Mute As Excellency+, or add 1 point to Guile.
Audience-Enthusing Display Perf As Excellency+ Bal, Wood As Excellency+, and and ignore penalty for targeting multiple characters.
Ration-Enhancing Method Surv As Excellency+ Bal, Wood As Excellency+, if foraging can feed +1 character / threshold succ.
Master Healer Meditation Med 1m (+Exc) Inst Suppl Bal, Exc, Wood Exc: +1m -> +1 die & +1 succ, 1/action.
Hidden Secrets Whisper Occ 1m (+Exc) Scene Suppl Bal, Exc, Air Exc: +1m -> +2 succ, 1/action.
Granite Curtain of Serenity Int 1m (+Exc) Scene Suppl / Refl Bal, Exc, Unif, Earth Exc: +1m -> +1 succ OR add 1 point to Resolve, 1/action. Also ignore penalties from wounds, deprivation, or poison.
Become the Hammer MA (/Brawl) 1m (+Exc) Scene Suppl / Refl Bal, Exc, Unif, Water May block lethal damage unarmed. Exc: +1m -> +2 succ OR add 1 point to Parry, 1/action.
Unobstructed Hunter’s Aim Arch 1m (+Exc) Scene Suppl Bal, Exc, Unif, Wood Exc: +1m -> +1 die & remove penalties from visual obstructions up to dice from exc., 1/action.
Name Ability Cost Duration Type Keywords Effect
Ox-Body Technique (x1) Res Perm Perm Get one −1 and one −2 Health level.
Sky-Calming Draw Arch 1m Scene Suppl Air, Uniform Ignore weather penalties, increase weap range +100m (or +1 succ if range < 300m).
Death From Nowhere Arch 1m Inst Suppl With-only, Bal, Air/Water Ignore 4 soak (max(Per,Ess)).
Wood Dragon Vitality MA 1m Inst Refl Dual, Wood Add MA(+Ess) soak vs. With or -1 die (instead Ess/2, round up) to Dec.; (in Wood Aura).
Eyes of the Wood Dragon MA 1m Inst Suppl With-only, Wood Add Per to raw With. dam, can make Piercing att. In aura, no Def Penalty for Piercing att.
Mind-Over-Body Meditation MA 1m, 1Wp Inst Simple Peril, Wood Roll max(Ess,3) -> heal 1 non-A for each succ (min 1). 1/scene, only in combat.
Dragon’s Sacred Talon Occ 1m Inst Suppl Balanced, Dual, Earth/Wood Can supplement any attack, Earth vs Fey, Wood vs. undead. With add Ess to dam after soak, Dec deal Aggr and double 10s to dam.
Lehtien Peitto Evoc 1m, 2i Scene Refl Gain Light Cover vs. attacker, max Ess different enemies.
Friend-to-All-Nations Attitude Soc Perm Perm Wood After 1 hr of exposure, may gain temp. Soc specialty, max. Ess at a time.
Loyalty-Reading Meditation Soc 1m Inst Suppl Fire When Reading Intentions to find Intimacy based on emotion, the Intimacy penalizes the target’s Guile as with Resolve (Exalted, p. 215).
Smoke-Wreathed Mien Soc 1m Inst Refl Fire Gain +2 Guile (when aware someone is reading me).
Auspicious First Meeting Attitude Soc 1m Inst Simple Bal, Water When meeting someone for the 1st time, can create a positive Tie if successful in (Cha/App/Per + Soc) vs. min(Guile, Resolve).
Sweeten-the-Tap Method Soc 1m, 1Wp Scene Simple Fire / Wood Increase alcohol potency, cause Minor positive Tie to all partiers and suffer -1 Guile. With Botch, tie towards me is negative.
Shadow-Dispersing Radiance Soc 1m Inst Suppl Bal, Fire If my App higher than their Guile, get bonus dice equal to diff.
Rumor-Dredging Gaze Soc 2m,1Wp Inst Refl Mute, Water When Read Intentions, +1 succ, and instead of my choice, I get Intimacy they most want to keep hidden from me. If use info to bargain of threaten in same scene, get +1 succ and +1 Wp if successful.
Hidden Petal Aria Perf 1m Inst Suppl Wood Hide one-sentence message in performance, can target any part of audience. Magical detection diff is max(Man,Perf).
Invisible Street Performer Technique Perf 1m 1 Perf Simple Bel, Air Others cannot notice me if my Man+Perf wins over their Resolve. Other actions than Perf require flurry. Join Battle or overtly noticable actions end this charm.
Talented Improvisation Perf 1m Inst Refl Bal, Wood After roll, reroll (Ess) failed dice.
Disease-Banishing Technique Med 1m, 1Wp Inst Suppl Bal, Wood +1 Succ to treat disease. If threshold succ exceed max(virul / morbid), patient gets temp Res specialty in that disease (max 1 at a time).
Venom Expulsion Method Med 1m Inst Simple Bal, Wood May cure poison as misc. action without inc. diff. If full 1 hr, +1 succ.
Wound-Closing Technique Med 1m Inst Simple Wood 15 min tending wounds, then (Int+Med), each succ converts 1 level of L to B. Alternatively, if equal to (Wound Penalty+1), can heal 1 B. Need full day of bedrest or heal all damage until can use again.
Ailment-Sensing Meditation Med 1m Inst Simple Bal, Wood Diagnose in seconds, if successful, gain temporary Med specialty, indefinite, max 1 at a time.
Seed and Salt Warding Occ 1m, 1Wp 1 day Simple Wood Repel ghosts & other undead: lay a line of grain, max radius 30 m, then (Int + Occ). Powerful ghosts can pay 1Wp to cross if Resolve > result.
Quarry Revelation Technique Surv 1m Inst Suppl Bal, Wood Gain 1 succ. on tracking and may contest perfect magical concealment.
Beast-Taming Aspect Surv 1m Inst Suppl Bal, Wood Gain +1 succ to train an animal (p.554), or to influence with Perf or Pre. Can claim affected animal as familiar after (it's Resolve) weeks of successful interactions.
Wind-Carried Words Technique Lin 1m Inst Simple Air Send spoken message, max. few sentences, to target within (Ess*5) miles. Message cannot be overheard or intercepted by mundane means; magical attempts must overcome diff (Ess + Lin).
Elemental Concentration Trance Lore 1m Inst Simple Bal Meditate on element a few minutes, then roll (Per/Int/Wits + Bur/Inv/Lor/Med/Surv) w/ +1 succ to introduce a related fact.
Elemental Bolt Attack Lore 1m Inst Simple Dual Ranged attack (Dex + Arch/Thrown), range 30m (+1a -> 100m), may use Abil charms.
Wood, does lethal and decisive attacks add poison with Damage 1i/round (B if Crashed), duration (Ess+5), and penalty −1.
Earth, does bashing, has Smashing tag.