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Rivi 9: Rivi 9:
!Flaws and Merits
!Gifts and Flaws
|Ethereal, Mag'har
|Trade Prince
Rivi 16: Rivi 24:
|14 (max 8)
|14 (max 8)
|1000g and magical item
|2 Major Gift
|2 Major Gift
Rivi 24: Rivi 32:
|9 (max 7)
|9 (max 7)
|1 Major Gift
|1 Major Gift
Rivi 32: Rivi 40:
|6 (max 5)
|6 (max 5)
|1 Major Gift, 1 Minor Flaw
|1 Major Gift, 1 Minor Flaw
Rivi 40: Rivi 48:
|1 Minor gift and flaw or none
|1 Minor gift and flaw or none
Rivi 48: Rivi 56:
|1 Major flaw, 1 Minor gift
|1 Major flaw, 1 Minor gift
Rivi 56: Rivi 64:
|None and a stick for a weapon
|1 Major flaw, 1 Minor flaw
|1 Major flaw, 1 Minor flaw
Rivi 67: Rivi 75:
| +2 St, +1 To, Blood rage, +1 En, +1 Axe starting proficiency
| +2 St, +1 To, +1 En, +1 Axe starting proficiency, Blood rage
Rivi 88: Rivi 96:
| -2 Ma, -1 Wit, -1 Wp, -2 Maxium starting profiencies
| -2 Ma, -1 Wt, -1 Wp, -2 Maxium starting profiencies
| +2 St, +1 To, +1 En, +1 Axe starting proficiency, +1 starting totem magic proficiency.
| +2 Ma, +2 Wt, +1 Wp, +1 Ag, +1 Starting arcane proficiency.
Rivi 112: Rivi 126:
|Activation cost (4), allocate pool versus any up to all targets engaged. On success, target checks for knockdown at 7+total successes rolled in this manouver.
|Activation cost (4), allocate pool versus any up to all targets engaged. On success, target checks for knockdown at 7+total successes rolled in this manouver.
===Gifts and Flaws===
Improved racial pick (Major Gift)
Improve your race pick by one. May go over A.
Druid (major gift)<br>
Tauren only. Access to feral combat proficiency and healing cantrips.
Shaman (major gift)<br>
Orc, Troll and Tauren only. Access to totem magic proficiency.
Paladin (major gift)<br>
Blood elf only. Gain one additional spiritual attribute. Gain increased benefit to dice pools from spiritual attributes.
Demonologist (major gift)<br>
Any non-Tauren. Gain access to demon summoning proficiency.
Arcanist (major or minor gift)<br>
Any non-Tauren, non-Hobgoblin. Gain access to arcane proficiency and arcane cantrips. Minor gains only access to arcane cantrips.
Priest (major or minor gift)<br>
Light: Blood elf, Goblin. Gain access to holy proficiency and healing cantrips. Minor only gains healing cantrips.<br>
Shadow: Troll, Undead. Major: Gain access to shadow proficiency. Minor gets nothing.
Magical item (major gift)<br>
Exalted reputation (major or minor gift)<br>
Pet (minor gift)<br>
Hated (major or minor flaw)<br>
===Base mana pool and mana regeneration rates===
!Mana/Wt or Ma
!Mana regen
!Mana regen/WP
|1/3 /h
|1/2 /h
|1/2 /h
|Blood elf
|2/3 /h
|1/2 /h
|1/3 /h
===New proficiencies===
''''Arcane (magical)'''<br>
*Arcane blast (1, 2 mana): Range 50m, TN 7, DMG WP-2. Can Spend mana (not combat pool) for additional dice. Gain a charge.
*Arcane missiles (3, 2 mana): Range 50m. TN 8, DMG WP-2. For each success, gain one point of charge. Each time you would take an action, you can choose to spend a charge and fire another missile that automatically hits the previus target at one success, dealing WP+n damage, where n is number of turns since casting. You can spend additional charges for extra dice (TN 5). If you spent or gained no charges during your action, you lose all the remaining charges and the spell ends.
*Arcane Barrage (1, 2 mana, 1+ charges): Range 50m, TN 8, DMG WP, Consumes all charges as additional dice (1/charge) or extra targets (1/target). Allocate dice after cosuming the charges, each target must be allocated atleast one die. Original target must have the most dice allocated to it.
*Counterspell (5, 3 mana): Range 50m, TN 8. If this attack negates a spell and the counterspeller has successes left over, the attacker gets silenced and must overcome those successes (by negating with casting successes) next time she casts a spell. If these successes are not negated and the spell fails, they carry on until they are negated.
*Fade away (1, 2 mana): Range personal, TN 7, 9 vs. magical attacks. Mage fades parts of her under attack away from the reality to avoid the attack. This fading only lasts for so long... having your space occupied by dragon sitting on you after you re-enter reality might prove fatal, consider really dodging in these kind of situations you lazy arcanist.
*Blink (1,  2 mana, Proficiency 8): Range 30m, TN8. On successful cast, mage dislocates himself to a target location within range. If these casting successes are enough to negate attack successes, the blink happens before the attack hits, compeletely negating it. Should attack successes be more than blink successes, the blink successes are discarded and the mage takes full hit before teleporting away.
Fire (magical)<br>
*Fireball (1, 2 mana): 40m, TN 8, DMG WP. TN lowered versus targets on fire by 2.<br>
*Combustion (3, 2 mana): 40m, TN 7, DMG WP-5. Target must roll for reflex TN 6 + success or catch on fire.
*Cauterize (7, 10 mana): Self. TN 7. Gain 50 pain. Become invulnerable and unaffected by any shock, bloodloss or pain. Do not remove pain accumulated. Remove any shock suffered. After number of success in turns, the aforementioned immunity fades and you die if you would gain no pool due pain.
Feral combat (magical)<br>
Frost (magical)<br>
*Ice lance
*Cone of cold
Demonology (magical)<br>
*Summon demon
*Drain life
Holy (magical)<br>
Shadow (magical)<br>
*Shadow word: Pain
*Summon shadowfiend
*Drain mana
Few example spells, player characters are free to develope their own in addition to these and those they find from teachers and tomes.
Example spell (required proficiency level, cost to learn)
Raise dead (Holy 5, 3 SA)
*Target body must be within arms reach of the caster, if torn into pieces, pieces must be collected and brought together.
*Body is fully mended and brought back to life
*10 minutes, 10 mana, caster must spend 5 SA - if unable, one random attribute will be reduced by one permanently.
Soulstone resurrection (Demonology 5, 1 SA, teached by most demons summoned)
*Caster must posess atleast a piece of targets body that was alive and still part of the target at the moment of his demise. Ashes will do just fine.
*New body for the target is formed and he ''should'' be returned to it from the afterlife. Caster rolls Demonolgy vs. TN 5+times used on this target to fully controll the process.
*1 hour, 20 mana, one sentinent soul trapped in a gem.
Trap soul (Demonology 3, 1 SA, teached by all summoned demons)
*Bound, helpless or willing sentinent victim.
*A gem is filed with targets soul, ready to be used how the warlock sees fit.
*10 minutes, victim is sacrificed in a bloody ritual, a gem (market price for suitable gem is around 10 gold)
Returning (Totem magic 7, 5 SA)
*Caster must have a magical ankh on his person at the moment of his demise.
*When the target dies, his soul retreats into his ankh and his manapool is emptied. Each turn he regenerates one hours worth of mana. At any time he can pay the cost of this spell to return to life.
*1 second, 15 mana, Magical ankh crubles to dust.
Create Portal (Arcane 7, 3 SA + 1 SA per target location)
*Caster must know the words of power to connected to his chosen destination and posess a magical portalstone
*A two-way portal to the chosen destination appears and remains as long as the mage can maintain it and around 10 seconds after.
*3 minutes, 25 Mana, A portalstone crubles to dust (market price of such stone is around 500 gold)
Conjure Food and Water (Arcane 0, free)
*Food and drinks, limited in variety by casters cooking skills, appear in simple containers. Enough is created to feed one person plus one per success on Arcane roll TN 7.
*7 minutes, 7 mana.

Nykyinen versio 23. syyskuuta 2012 kello 19.38

Character Creation


Pick Race Attributes Skills Proficiency Wealth Gifts and Flaws
A+ Ethereal, Mag'har n/a n/a n/a Trade Prince n/a
A Orc 47 6/6 14 (max 8) 1000g and magical item 2 Major Gift
B Tauren, Troll 43 6/7 9 (max 7) 500g 1 Major Gift
C Blood Elf, Undead 39 7/7 6 (max 5) 200g 1 Major Gift, 1 Minor Flaw
D Goblin 35 8/8 4 50g 1 Minor gift and flaw or none
E Ogre 31 9/9 2 10g 1 Major flaw, 1 Minor gift
F Hobgoblin 27 9 0 None and a stick for a weapon 1 Major flaw, 1 Minor flaw


Race "Benefits"
Orc +2 St, +1 To, +1 En, +1 Axe starting proficiency, Blood rage
Tauren +2 To, +1 Ht, Warstomp
Troll +2 Ht, +1 Ag, +2 dice to resist bleed and it's effects, +1 Bow starting proficiency
Blood Elf +1 Ma, +1 Wt, -1 St, Arcane addiction
Undead +1 WP, Need not eat, drink, breath and etc. Can't be poisoned or diseased. Immune to fear. Is undead.
Goblin +2 Ma, +1 Ag, -1 St, -1 To, -1 En, Time is money friend.
Ogre +3 St, +1 To, -3 Ma, -2 Wt, -1 WP
Hobgoblin -2 Ma, -1 Wt, -1 Wp, -2 Maxium starting profiencies
Mag'har +2 St, +1 To, +1 En, +1 Axe starting proficiency, +1 starting totem magic proficiency.
Ethereal +2 Ma, +2 Wt, +1 Wp, +1 Ag, +1 Starting arcane proficiency.


Ability Effect
Blood Rage Can ignore wounding penalties, roll endurance versus current pain or suffer fatigue.
Arcane addiction Gain spell "Arcane torrent". Suffer increasing penalties to mental attributes if missing on mana for extended period.
Arcane Torrent Leech source of mana destroying or damaging it in process.
Time is money friend Increase Wealth pick by one, Trade Prince being above A. Gain Capitalist skill pack. Gain Greed flaw.
Warstomp Activation cost (4), allocate pool versus any up to all targets engaged. On success, target checks for knockdown at 7+total successes rolled in this manouver.

Gifts and Flaws

Improved racial pick (Major Gift) Improve your race pick by one. May go over A.

Druid (major gift)
Tauren only. Access to feral combat proficiency and healing cantrips.

Shaman (major gift)
Orc, Troll and Tauren only. Access to totem magic proficiency.

Paladin (major gift)
Blood elf only. Gain one additional spiritual attribute. Gain increased benefit to dice pools from spiritual attributes.

Demonologist (major gift)
Any non-Tauren. Gain access to demon summoning proficiency.

Arcanist (major or minor gift)
Any non-Tauren, non-Hobgoblin. Gain access to arcane proficiency and arcane cantrips. Minor gains only access to arcane cantrips.

Priest (major or minor gift)
Light: Blood elf, Goblin. Gain access to holy proficiency and healing cantrips. Minor only gains healing cantrips.
Shadow: Troll, Undead. Major: Gain access to shadow proficiency. Minor gets nothing.

Magical item (major gift)
Exalted reputation (major or minor gift)
Pet (minor gift)
Hated (major or minor flaw)

Base mana pool and mana regeneration rates

Race Manapool Mana/prof Mana/Wt or Ma Mana regen Mana regen/WP
Orc 10 1/3 2/3 1/h 1/3 /h
Tauren 12 1/2 1 1/h 1/2 /h
Troll 12 1/2 1 1/h 1/2 /h
Blood elf 20 1 2 None 1/d
Goblin 15 2/3 3/2 1/h 2/3 /h
Ogre 12 1/2 1 1/h 1/2 /h
Hobgoblin 5 1/4 1/2 1/d 1/d
Ethereal 20 1 2 2/h 1/h
Mag'har 10 1/3 2/3 1/h 1/3 /h

New proficiencies

'Arcane (magical)

  • Arcane blast (1, 2 mana): Range 50m, TN 7, DMG WP-2. Can Spend mana (not combat pool) for additional dice. Gain a charge.
  • Arcane missiles (3, 2 mana): Range 50m. TN 8, DMG WP-2. For each success, gain one point of charge. Each time you would take an action, you can choose to spend a charge and fire another missile that automatically hits the previus target at one success, dealing WP+n damage, where n is number of turns since casting. You can spend additional charges for extra dice (TN 5). If you spent or gained no charges during your action, you lose all the remaining charges and the spell ends.
  • Arcane Barrage (1, 2 mana, 1+ charges): Range 50m, TN 8, DMG WP, Consumes all charges as additional dice (1/charge) or extra targets (1/target). Allocate dice after cosuming the charges, each target must be allocated atleast one die. Original target must have the most dice allocated to it.


  • Counterspell (5, 3 mana): Range 50m, TN 8. If this attack negates a spell and the counterspeller has successes left over, the attacker gets silenced and must overcome those successes (by negating with casting successes) next time she casts a spell. If these successes are not negated and the spell fails, they carry on until they are negated.
  • Fade away (1, 2 mana): Range personal, TN 7, 9 vs. magical attacks. Mage fades parts of her under attack away from the reality to avoid the attack. This fading only lasts for so long... having your space occupied by dragon sitting on you after you re-enter reality might prove fatal, consider really dodging in these kind of situations you lazy arcanist.
  • Blink (1, 2 mana, Proficiency 8): Range 30m, TN8. On successful cast, mage dislocates himself to a target location within range. If these casting successes are enough to negate attack successes, the blink happens before the attack hits, compeletely negating it. Should attack successes be more than blink successes, the blink successes are discarded and the mage takes full hit before teleporting away.

Fire (magical)

  • Fireball (1, 2 mana): 40m, TN 8, DMG WP. TN lowered versus targets on fire by 2.
  • Combustion (3, 2 mana): 40m, TN 7, DMG WP-5. Target must roll for reflex TN 6 + success or catch on fire.
  • Cauterize (7, 10 mana): Self. TN 7. Gain 50 pain. Become invulnerable and unaffected by any shock, bloodloss or pain. Do not remove pain accumulated. Remove any shock suffered. After number of success in turns, the aforementioned immunity fades and you die if you would gain no pool due pain.
  • Pyroblast

Feral combat (magical)

  • Bash
  • Bite
  • Claw
  • Dodge
  • Grab
  • ?

Frost (magical)

  • Ice lance
  • Cone of cold
  • Frostbolt
  • Frostnova

Demonology (magical)

  • Summon demon
  • Drain life
  • Metamorphosis

Holy (magical)

  • Smite
  • Heal
  • Penance
  • Shield

Shadow (magical)

  • Shadow word: Pain
  • Summon shadowfiend
  • Drain mana


Few example spells, player characters are free to develope their own in addition to these and those they find from teachers and tomes.

Example spell (required proficiency level, cost to learn)

  • Requirements
  • Effects
  • Cost

Raise dead (Holy 5, 3 SA)

  • Target body must be within arms reach of the caster, if torn into pieces, pieces must be collected and brought together.
  • Body is fully mended and brought back to life
  • 10 minutes, 10 mana, caster must spend 5 SA - if unable, one random attribute will be reduced by one permanently.

Soulstone resurrection (Demonology 5, 1 SA, teached by most demons summoned)

  • Caster must posess atleast a piece of targets body that was alive and still part of the target at the moment of his demise. Ashes will do just fine.
  • New body for the target is formed and he should be returned to it from the afterlife. Caster rolls Demonolgy vs. TN 5+times used on this target to fully controll the process.
  • 1 hour, 20 mana, one sentinent soul trapped in a gem.

Trap soul (Demonology 3, 1 SA, teached by all summoned demons)

  • Bound, helpless or willing sentinent victim.
  • A gem is filed with targets soul, ready to be used how the warlock sees fit.
  • 10 minutes, victim is sacrificed in a bloody ritual, a gem (market price for suitable gem is around 10 gold)

Returning (Totem magic 7, 5 SA)

  • Caster must have a magical ankh on his person at the moment of his demise.
  • When the target dies, his soul retreats into his ankh and his manapool is emptied. Each turn he regenerates one hours worth of mana. At any time he can pay the cost of this spell to return to life.
  • 1 second, 15 mana, Magical ankh crubles to dust.

Create Portal (Arcane 7, 3 SA + 1 SA per target location)

  • Caster must know the words of power to connected to his chosen destination and posess a magical portalstone
  • A two-way portal to the chosen destination appears and remains as long as the mage can maintain it and around 10 seconds after.
  • 3 minutes, 25 Mana, A portalstone crubles to dust (market price of such stone is around 500 gold)

Conjure Food and Water (Arcane 0, free)

  • -
  • Food and drinks, limited in variety by casters cooking skills, appear in simple containers. Enough is created to feed one person plus one per success on Arcane roll TN 7.
  • 7 minutes, 7 mana.
