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Kohtaan Persian invaasio+Wahbdist revolt tulee:<br>
== Minor wars ==
Heitetään 1d12, tuloksella:<br>
Roll 1d12 and refer to the following table for result.
1-4: Persian invaasio (kuten ennen, Georgia tuottaa kasakoita joka tapauksessa 1805 eteenpäin)<br>
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
5: Reinin Liitto<br>
6: Kustaa III (Ruotsin ollessa mukana, Balkkanin kapina)<br>
7: Tanskan salmien tullikiista<br>
!Persian invasion
8: Siirtomaasota<br>
9: Unkarin kapina<br>
10: Välimeren merirosvot<br>
!Confederation of the Rhine
11: Puolan kapina<br>
12: Arabi hyökkäys(wahbdist revolt)<br>
!Gustav of Sweden
!Baltic Sound toll
!Colonial war
!Hungarian insurrection
!Mediterranean pirates
!Polish revolt
!Wahbdist revolt
Fath Alin vallankaappus on nykyisin "Tehokkaat lahjukset" ja kympillä voittaa kohde minkä tahansa minorisodan, jollei se ole yhdistetty sotaan kontrolloivan majorin kanssa. Jos on useampi maa sodassa minoria vastaan, arvotaan yksi joka saa lahjukset käyttöönsä.<br>
'''Common rules'''
* If the minor in question is conquered, then no war is declared. Poland is an exception to this rule.
* If the minor in question is a free state, then the controlling major must also declare war on the defending major or else the free state declares independence and goes to war. If the controlling major does declare war, the war is fought normally and no special rules connected to minor wars are used.
* If the minor in question is a free state of the defending major, then nothing happens.
* If the minor in question is independent, the control is resolved by war, not allied -priority towards the defending major. In cases where multiple majors with equal priority status want control, the decision is resolved as per normal minor country control rules.
* When the war is over, the borders between the minor and the defending major are returned to status quo, unless specifically mentioned otherwise.
* If a major country surrenders to a minor, the minor will always accept a conditional surrender, taking extended peace and reparations as it's first choice peace conditions unless otherwise mentioned (such as the Baltic Sound Toll). Following minor countries can be sued peace with at peace step:
** Peria
** Poland (must control provinces, not be merely a revolt)
** Confederation of the Rhine
** Colonial War
** Baltic Sound Toll
** Gustav of Sweden
*** A minor country can always be sued peace with independently from other nations whether or not the minor country in question has forces within the suing home nation's borders.
* Minor countries have no such thing as enforced peace when attacking unless specifically ruled.
Yhteisiä sääntöjä:
=== Persian invasion ===
Jos hyökkäävä minori on vallattu-> no event.(Poikkeus, Puola)<br>
Persia is at war with either Russia or Turkey (50% each).
Jos hyökkäävä minori on Free state, on hallitsevan majorin julistettava sota kohteelle, muutoin minori itsenäistyy ja sota jatkuu itsenäisesti. Jos majori liittyy sotaan, sota käydään normaalisti eikä erityissääntöjä käytetä.<br>
Jos hyökkäävä minori on kohteen free state->no event.<br>
Jos hyökkäävä minori on itsenäinen, hallinta menee sota, ei-liittolainen prioriteetillä. Tasa-arvoisilla statuksilla nopanheitto normi minor country control säännöillä.(joillein minoreille lista)<br>
Kun sota minoria vastaan on ohi, palaa rajat entiselleen, ellei minorin kohdalla nimenomaan toisin mainita.<br>
Jos majori antautuu minorille, ottaa se aina conditional rauhan ja rahat automaattisesti ensimmäisenä rauhanehtona. Tanskalle, merirosvoille ja Unkarilaisille ei voi antautua<br>
Minkäännäköistä pakkorauhaa ei ole, kun minori hyökkää.<br>
'''Persian invaasio'''<br>
Control of the Persians goes to:  
3 Infantry- ja 2 Cavalry-corpsia:
* firstly, Russia or Turkey (the one not being invaded),
* Infantry Corps: 9 Infantry
* secondly to a player who is at war with the defending major power, and
* Cavalry Corps: 8 Light Cavalry (Morale 2)
* finally to anyone who is willing to take control.  
Kestää 18 kuukautta tai kunnes kotipaikka vallataan (Georgia jos hyökkää Turkkiin, Armeniassa jos Venäjään.) vallataan tai kunnes 40 yksikköä on kuollut, mikä vain ensimmäisenä tapahtuu.
'''Reinin Liitto'''<br>
If multiple major powers with equal level of claims desire control, roll D6 to determine control.
Koostuu maista Hannover, Hesse, Baden, Bavaria, Saxony, Wurttenburg, Berg, Kleves, Duchies ja Mecklenburg.<br>
Jos joku majori jo kontrolloi Reininliittoa->no event.<br>
Reinin liiton itsenäiset ja Freestate maat hyökkäävät sen majorin kimppuun jolla on eniten vallattuja jäsenmaita (eli free stateja ei lasketa). Tasatapauksessa hyökkää Reininliitto seuraavalla prioriteetilla: Preussi, Itävalta, Ranska, Englanti, Venäjä, Espanja, Turkki.<br>
Reininliitto häviää kun jokin hyökkäävien maiden pääkaupungeista on ollut vihollisen hallussa 3kk tai 18kk on kulunut hyökkäyksen alusta. Voittaja saa 2PP.<br>
Reininliitto voittaa sodan jos se onnistuu valtaamaan takaisin yhdenkin jäsenmaan. Controlloija saa 2PP.<br>
'''Kustaa III'''<br>
heitetään 1d10, tuloksella:<br>
1-7, Ruotsi hyökkää Venäjälle<br>
8-9, Ruotsi hyökkää Preussiin<br>
10, Ruotsi hyökkää Englantiin<br>
Ruotsin sota on ohi kun 18kk on kulunut, kohdemaa antautuu Ruotsille tai valtaa Ruotsila Suomen(Venäjä), Mecklenburgin (Preussi) tai Tukholman(Englanti). Jos Ruotsi voittaa, ottaa se Venäjältä Karelian (jos kaikki rauhassa mukana olevat majorit suostuvat) ja muussa tapauksessa rahat. <br>
'''Political effects, victory conditions, etc:'''
Jos Ruotsi häviää, palataan sotaa edeltäviin rajoihin.<br>
Ruotsin lyömisestä saa PP yhtäpaljon kuin Ruotsin koko on.<br>
'''Tanskan salmien tullikiista'''<br>
Persia is worth 2 PP. The Major Power controlling Persia gains and loses political points in the manner of any Sponsored minor country.
1-8, Englanti (jos Ruotsi on major power, hyökkää Tanska Ruotsiin 7-8)<br>
9, Preussi<br>
10, Venäjä<br>
Sota on ohi kun 18kk on kulunut tai kohde on miehittänyt Köpenhaminan.<br>
The invasion is over if any of the following conditions is met:
Tanskan sodan voi lopettaa maksamalle Tanskalaisille 20$ tullimaksuja.<br>
* Persian defeat:
Tanska ei voi sotaa voittaa, eikä Tanskan lyömisestä saa PP.<br>
** The invasion has last for 18 months
** Persian home province is conquered
** 40 Persian factors have been subtracted from it's corps
*** factors dropped into garrison count as subtracted even if retrieved.
*** factors killed or captured in any battle or by foraging count as subtracted even if corps are reinforced
* Persian victory:
** The defending major power surrenders to Persia
1-6, Englanti(Control Hollannin mukaan)<br>
7-8, Espanja(Control Portugalin mukaan)<br>
9-10, Ranska (Control Hollannin mukaan)<br>
Kohde maa joutuu sotaan Hollannin ja Portugalin kanssa. Espanja/Ranska menettävät Amerikan kauppansa sodan ajaksi. Britit menettävät puolet colonial kaupastaan. Lisäksi Espanjalle tulee -2 kultalaiva heittoon.<br>
The invasion ends in Persian victory if the defending major power offers a conditional surrender (which Persia must accept). When surrendering to Persia normal rules apply as-if Persia were a major power. Thus any normal political point losses apply and the surrender may be combined with surrender to other major powers. Persia automatically gets to pick peace condition first, taking condition B.3 (money) as first and only condition.  
Sota on ohi kun kohde miehittää Lissabonin tai Amsterdamin tai 18kk on kulunut. Siirtomaa sodan voitosta saa 2PP. Jos Portugal/Hollanti voittavat sodan, ottavat he rahat.<br>
'''Unkarin kapina'''<br>
The defending major power gains +2 PP and controller loses 2PP if Persia is defeated.
Itävallan insurrection corpsit kapinoivat. Kapina on ohi kun insurrection korpsit on tuhottu tai 18 kk on kulunut. Insurrection corpsit eivät voi sotaa voittaa eikä kapinan lyömisestä saa PP.<br>
'''Välimeren merirosvot'''<br>
Following a peace with Persia (either victory or defeat), the defending major power may not be invaded by Persia for 12 months (with the event automatically effecting the other possible victim, if permissible).
1-4, Espanja(Turkki, Englanti, Ranska, Itävalta, Venäjä, Preussi)<br>
5, Itävalta(Turkki, Espanja, Ranska, Englanti, Venäjä, Preussi)<br>
6, Ranska(Turkki, Englanti, Espanja, Itävalta, Preussi, Venäjä)<br>
7, Englanti(Turkki, Ranska, Espanja, Venäjä, Itävalta, Preussi)<br>
8-10, Turkki(Espanja, Itävalta, Venäjä, Englanti, Preussi, Ranska)<br>
Merirosvoilla on 2 fleet nappia ja 2 corps nappia(8I). Joukkoja on länsivaltoja vastaan: 2 fregattia, 1 ship of the line ja 1 infantry jokaista ei länsimaiden hallussa olevaa Ottomaani satamaa kohti.<br>
Turkkilaisia vastaan Maltan ritareilla on 10 fregattia, 5 ship of the line ja 4 infantryä jos Malta ei ole Turkkilaisten hallussa. Cyproksesta tulee samanverran lisää jos se ei ole Turkkilaisten hallussa.<br>
Lisäksi ecossa voi Itävalta, Espanja ja/tai Ranska lahjoittaa 0-2 manpoweria Maltalle. Jokaista kahta MP kohti saa Maltan ritarit yhden infantryn Maltalle/Cyprokselle (jos se on ei Turkkilainen) tai suoraan korpsiinsa.<br>
Kohde maa menettää 5$/eco jokaisesta merellä olevasta piraatti laivastosta. Lisäksi Englannin (jos se on kohde) colonial trade puolitetaan ja Espanja(jos se on kohde) saa -2 kultalaiva heittoon.<br>
'''Persian home province:'''
Sota on ohi kun jotain merirosvo pääkaupunkia on miehitetty 3kk tai 18kk on kulunut. Vaihtoehtoisesti voi Espanja, Itävalta, Englanti tai Ranska maksaa merirosvoille 50$, jolloin sota loppuu välittömästi (ei PP muutosta)<br>
The Persian home province is a mountain tile located at the eastern edge of the board on the Georgia-Armenia border.
* If Turkey is the defending major power Persian home province is set to Georgia
* If Russia is the defending major power Persian home province is set to Armenia
'''Puolan kapina'''<br>
This home province is a valid supply source for any persian corps. When setting up persians, a Persian depot and it's forces should be placed on this tile.  
Jos Puola on itsenäinen, syttyy sota satunnaista maata vastaan jolla on puolalainen alue. Kohde maa arvotaan suhteessa siihen, montako aluetta kelläkin Puolasta on. Tämä sota on muuten kuin normaali Puolan sota, mutta Puola voittaa sen jos se valtaa ja pitää hallussaan 3kk jotain aiemmin menettämäänsä aluetta.<br>
Jos Puola on free state, syttyy sota kuten yllä, mutta käytössä on vain freestaten joukot.<br>
Jos Puolaa ei ole, syttyy kapina satunnaisessa Puolalaisessa provinssissa. Puolalainen korps(ei voi poistua ko provinssista) ja 2d6 infantryä ilmestyvät provinssiin alueeseen jossa ei ole hallitsevan maan tai sen liittolaisen korpsia. Alue saa guerilla valuen 3. Jos kapinoitsijat hallitsevat provinssin kaikkia kaupunkeja, onnistuu kapina ja provinssi itsenäistyy. Jos sen kimppuun hyökätään on sillä käytössään kolmasosa alkuperäisen Puolan joukoista. Jos uudelleen syntynyt Puola saa kasaan 3 aluetta, tulee siitä täysivaltainen Puola.<br>
Puolan kapina epäonnistuu jos vihollinen hallitsee 3kk kaikkia kaupunkeja kapina provinssissa.<br>
'''Balkkanin kapina'''<br>
Arvotaan Turkkilainen provinssi joka voi saada feodaaleja(Ei Anatolia, eikä Armenia). Tämän provinssin feodal corps kapinoi.<br>
'''Persian forces:'''
Kapina onnistuu jos kapinoiva feodaali hallitsee provinssia 3kk. Tällöin provinssi itsenäistyy, paitsi jos se on kampanjan alussa ollut toisella majorilla, jolloin se palaa kotimaan yhteyteen.<br>
Kapinallisten hallinasta ei saa PP, eikä kapinan lyömisestä saa PP.<br>
The Persians have three (3) infantry corps, two (2) cavalry corps and six (6) depots.
Turkki voittaa jos se tuhoaa kapinoivan feodaalin tai 12kk kuluu ilman että kapina onnistuu.<br>
* Infantry corps: 9 Infantry
* Cavalry corps: 8 Light Cavalry (Morale 2)
'''Other rules related to Persian invasion:'''
Any feudal corps rule applies to Persian corps and in addition any such corps that is on or next to a Persian depot in the Levy step of December each year is reinforced to full strength. Persian corps can however drop units to garrisons and retrieve them.
If the major power controlling Persia is at war with the defending major power of the Persian Invasion, that major power may use his depots and pay for Persian supply.
Persian forces may only enter the home nation provinces of the defending major power, along with Georgia and Armenia. Also, the major power controlling the province where the persian home province is located automatically grants Persia access to that province.
Economically Persia is treated as a free state, they receive $10 initially, and an additional $10 per economic phase for the Persians (for purchase of depots and supply). Persian forces pay no upkeep maintenance costs in the Economic Phase.
=== Confederation of the Rhine ===
The Confederation consists of Hannover, Hesse, Baden, Bavaria, Saxony, Wurttenburg, Berg, Kleves, Duchies and Mecklenburg. Control of the Confederation is not worth any points.<br>
The independent and free state countries attack the major which has the most conquered member states of the Confederation under it's rule. Free states do not apply. In case of draw, the Confederation attacks with the following priority: Prussia, Austria, France, Great Britain, Russia, Spain, Turkey.<br>
The Confederation loses if any of the capitals of the attacking member states has been held by the defending major for 3 months or after 18 months of war have passed. The winner gains 2PP.<br>
The Confederation wins if it manages to recover even one conquered member state. The controller gains 2PP.
=== Gustav of Sweden ===
If Sweden is a player country, the Balkan revolt happens instead.<br>
Roll 1d10 to determine the defending major.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|Sweden attacks Russia
|Sweden attacks Prussia
|Sweden attacks Great Britain
Sweden loses the war if 18 months have passsed or if the defending major conquers Finland (if at war with Russia), Mecklenburg (if at war with Prussia) or Stockholm (if at war with Great Britain). The winner gains as many PP as Sweden has provinces.<br>
If Sweden wins the war, it takes Karelia from Russia (if all majors involved in the surrender accept this), or reparations.
=== Baltic Sound toll ===
Roll 1d10 to determine the defending major.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|Denmark attacks Great Britain
|If Sweden is a major power, Denmark attacks Sweden. If not, Great Britain.
|Denmark attacks Prussia
|Denmark attacks Russia
Denmark loses the war if 18 months have passed or the defending major has conquered Copenhagen.<br>
The war can be brought to an end during peace step by paying Denmark 20$ worth of sound tolls. Anyone can pay this.<br>
Winning the war is worth no PP.
=== Colonial war ===
Roll 1d10 to determine the defending major.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|England (Control according to Holland)
|Spain (Control according to Portugal)
|France (Control according to Holland)
The defending major is attacked by Holland and Portugal. France and Spain lose their American trade for the duration of the war if attacked. The British lose half of their colonial trade if attacked. Additionally Spain gets a -2 modifier to the Spanish Gold Convoy table for the duration of the war if attacked.<br>
Holland and Portugal lose the war if either Amsterdam or Lisbon is conquered or 18 months have passed. The defending major gets 1 PP per belligerent minor for winning the war. If Portugal and Holland win, they take peace conditions as if a single entity and put preference on reparations over extended peace.<br>
If Dutch Republic is a player country, he automatically gains control of the coalition. The minor war does not count against Dutch Republic's membership in the Armed neutrality alliance. However, if Dutch Republic is still a full-fledged, neutral member of the ANA, he cannot demand any other peace condition except reparations or transferral of Indian colonial trade, but not both. During the minor war Dutch Republic can form temporary alliances with countries that are at war with Great Britain. These alliances expire automatically when the minor war ends and are not worth any points.
=== Hungarian insurrection ===
The Austrian insurrection corps revolt. The revolt end when the insurrection corps have been killed to the last man or if 18 months have passed. The isurrection corps cannot win the war and no PP is awarded for winning it.
=== Mediterranean pirates ===
Roll 1d10 to determine the defending major.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|Control preference: Turkey, Great Britain, France, Austria, Russia, Prussia
|Control preference: Turkey, Spain, France, Great Britain, Russia, Prussia
|Control preference: Turkey, Great Britain, Spain, Austria, Prussia, Russia
|Great Britain
|Control preference: Turkey, France, Spain, Russia, Austria, Prussia
|Turkey (Knights of Malta)
|Control preference: Spain, Austria, Russia, Great Britain, Prussia, France
The pirates have 2 fleet counters and 2 corps, each with capacity of 8 infantry.<br>
Against all but Turkey the pirates have the following forces: 2 frigates, 1 ship of the line and 1 infantry for each independent or Turkish controlled Ottoman harbour.<br>
Against Turkey the Knights of Malta have 10 frigates, 5 ships of the line and 4 infantry for each of Malta and Cypros if not under Turkish control.<br>
In addition to this Austria, Spain and France are allowed to gift the Knights between 0-2 manpower in each economic phase. For each manpower recieved, the Knights gain one infantry factor that can be placed in either Malta or Cypros if not controlled by Turkey or reinforced straight into their corps.<br>
The defending major loses 5$ in every economic phase per each pirate / Maltan fleet counter on Mediterranean sea areas or blockade boxes. In addition Great Britain, if defending, loses half of it's colonial trade and Spain, if defending, has a -2 modifier to the Spanish Gold Convoy table.<br>
The pirates / Maltans lose the war if any of their capitals has been conquered by the defending major for 3 months or if 18 months have passed. Alternatively Spain, France, Austria, Great Britain and Spain can pay the pirates, if defending, 50$ to end the war immediately.<br>
Winning against the pirates is not worth any PP.<br>
=== Polish revolt ===
If Poland is independent, it will declare war on a random major power with a conquered Polish province. The randomization is done in relation to how many Polish provinces each major has. The war will be fought as any normal war against Poland except that Poland also wins the war if it conquers a Polish province of the defending major for 3 months.<br>
If Poland is a free state, the defender is resolved and the war works as above, but Poland has the forces of the free state.<br>
If Poland does not exist as independent or freestate, a random Polish province revolts. A Polish corps and 2d6 infantry rise up in the province, in an area with no corps of the defending major or it's allies. The province gets a guerilla value of 3. If the revolt manages to conquer all of the cities in the province, the revolt is successful and the province becomes independent. If it is attacked, it has a third of the forces of a normal Poland. If the reborn Poland grows to 3 provinces it becomes a again a fully independent Poland with full forces. The revolt is defeated if the defending major conquers all of the cities in the revolting province for 3 months.<br>
=== Balkan revolt ===
One random Turkish-owned feodal province (not Anatolia or Armenia) revolts along with it's feodal corps.<br>
The revolt succeeds if the feodal corps keeps control of the province for 3 months. If the revolt succeeds, the province becomes independent unless it was originally a province of another major power, in which case it defects to the original owner.<br>
The revolt is defeated if Turkey destroys the feodal corps or if 12 months have passed.<br>
Controlling or winning the revolt is not worth any PP.<br>
=== Wahbdist revolt ===
Palestine's controller loses 2 PP and 20$ after 3 months, reduced by 1$ for each factor in Corps. Each Corps also reduces the PP loss by 1.

Nykyinen versio 15. elokuuta 2016 kello 21.10

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Minor wars

Roll 1d12 and refer to the following table for result.

1-4 Persian invasion
5 Confederation of the Rhine
6 Gustav of Sweden
7 Baltic Sound toll
8 Colonial war
9 Hungarian insurrection
10 Mediterranean pirates
11 Polish revolt
12 Wahbdist revolt

Common rules

  • If the minor in question is conquered, then no war is declared. Poland is an exception to this rule.
  • If the minor in question is a free state, then the controlling major must also declare war on the defending major or else the free state declares independence and goes to war. If the controlling major does declare war, the war is fought normally and no special rules connected to minor wars are used.
  • If the minor in question is a free state of the defending major, then nothing happens.
  • If the minor in question is independent, the control is resolved by war, not allied -priority towards the defending major. In cases where multiple majors with equal priority status want control, the decision is resolved as per normal minor country control rules.
  • When the war is over, the borders between the minor and the defending major are returned to status quo, unless specifically mentioned otherwise.
  • If a major country surrenders to a minor, the minor will always accept a conditional surrender, taking extended peace and reparations as it's first choice peace conditions unless otherwise mentioned (such as the Baltic Sound Toll). Following minor countries can be sued peace with at peace step:
    • Peria
    • Poland (must control provinces, not be merely a revolt)
    • Confederation of the Rhine
    • Colonial War
    • Baltic Sound Toll
    • Gustav of Sweden
      • A minor country can always be sued peace with independently from other nations whether or not the minor country in question has forces within the suing home nation's borders.
  • Minor countries have no such thing as enforced peace when attacking unless specifically ruled.

Persian invasion

Persia is at war with either Russia or Turkey (50% each).

Control of the Persians goes to:

  • firstly, Russia or Turkey (the one not being invaded),
  • secondly to a player who is at war with the defending major power, and
  • finally to anyone who is willing to take control.

If multiple major powers with equal level of claims desire control, roll D6 to determine control.

Political effects, victory conditions, etc:

Persia is worth 2 PP. The Major Power controlling Persia gains and loses political points in the manner of any Sponsored minor country.

The invasion is over if any of the following conditions is met:

  • Persian defeat:
    • The invasion has last for 18 months
    • Persian home province is conquered
    • 40 Persian factors have been subtracted from it's corps
      • factors dropped into garrison count as subtracted even if retrieved.
      • factors killed or captured in any battle or by foraging count as subtracted even if corps are reinforced
  • Persian victory:
    • The defending major power surrenders to Persia

The invasion ends in Persian victory if the defending major power offers a conditional surrender (which Persia must accept). When surrendering to Persia normal rules apply as-if Persia were a major power. Thus any normal political point losses apply and the surrender may be combined with surrender to other major powers. Persia automatically gets to pick peace condition first, taking condition B.3 (money) as first and only condition.

The defending major power gains +2 PP and controller loses 2PP if Persia is defeated.

Following a peace with Persia (either victory or defeat), the defending major power may not be invaded by Persia for 12 months (with the event automatically effecting the other possible victim, if permissible).

Persian home province:

The Persian home province is a mountain tile located at the eastern edge of the board on the Georgia-Armenia border.

  • If Turkey is the defending major power Persian home province is set to Georgia
  • If Russia is the defending major power Persian home province is set to Armenia

This home province is a valid supply source for any persian corps. When setting up persians, a Persian depot and it's forces should be placed on this tile.

Persian forces:

The Persians have three (3) infantry corps, two (2) cavalry corps and six (6) depots.

  • Infantry corps: 9 Infantry
  • Cavalry corps: 8 Light Cavalry (Morale 2)

Other rules related to Persian invasion:

Any feudal corps rule applies to Persian corps and in addition any such corps that is on or next to a Persian depot in the Levy step of December each year is reinforced to full strength. Persian corps can however drop units to garrisons and retrieve them.

If the major power controlling Persia is at war with the defending major power of the Persian Invasion, that major power may use his depots and pay for Persian supply.

Persian forces may only enter the home nation provinces of the defending major power, along with Georgia and Armenia. Also, the major power controlling the province where the persian home province is located automatically grants Persia access to that province.

Economically Persia is treated as a free state, they receive $10 initially, and an additional $10 per economic phase for the Persians (for purchase of depots and supply). Persian forces pay no upkeep maintenance costs in the Economic Phase.

Confederation of the Rhine

The Confederation consists of Hannover, Hesse, Baden, Bavaria, Saxony, Wurttenburg, Berg, Kleves, Duchies and Mecklenburg. Control of the Confederation is not worth any points.
The independent and free state countries attack the major which has the most conquered member states of the Confederation under it's rule. Free states do not apply. In case of draw, the Confederation attacks with the following priority: Prussia, Austria, France, Great Britain, Russia, Spain, Turkey.
The Confederation loses if any of the capitals of the attacking member states has been held by the defending major for 3 months or after 18 months of war have passed. The winner gains 2PP.
The Confederation wins if it manages to recover even one conquered member state. The controller gains 2PP.

Gustav of Sweden

If Sweden is a player country, the Balkan revolt happens instead.
Roll 1d10 to determine the defending major.

1-7 Sweden attacks Russia
8-9 Sweden attacks Prussia
10 Sweden attacks Great Britain

Sweden loses the war if 18 months have passsed or if the defending major conquers Finland (if at war with Russia), Mecklenburg (if at war with Prussia) or Stockholm (if at war with Great Britain). The winner gains as many PP as Sweden has provinces.
If Sweden wins the war, it takes Karelia from Russia (if all majors involved in the surrender accept this), or reparations.

Baltic Sound toll

Roll 1d10 to determine the defending major.

1-6 Denmark attacks Great Britain
7-8 If Sweden is a major power, Denmark attacks Sweden. If not, Great Britain.
9 Denmark attacks Prussia
10 Denmark attacks Russia

Denmark loses the war if 18 months have passed or the defending major has conquered Copenhagen.
The war can be brought to an end during peace step by paying Denmark 20$ worth of sound tolls. Anyone can pay this.
Winning the war is worth no PP.

Colonial war

Roll 1d10 to determine the defending major.

1-6 England (Control according to Holland)
7-8 Spain (Control according to Portugal)
10 France (Control according to Holland)

The defending major is attacked by Holland and Portugal. France and Spain lose their American trade for the duration of the war if attacked. The British lose half of their colonial trade if attacked. Additionally Spain gets a -2 modifier to the Spanish Gold Convoy table for the duration of the war if attacked.

Holland and Portugal lose the war if either Amsterdam or Lisbon is conquered or 18 months have passed. The defending major gets 1 PP per belligerent minor for winning the war. If Portugal and Holland win, they take peace conditions as if a single entity and put preference on reparations over extended peace.

If Dutch Republic is a player country, he automatically gains control of the coalition. The minor war does not count against Dutch Republic's membership in the Armed neutrality alliance. However, if Dutch Republic is still a full-fledged, neutral member of the ANA, he cannot demand any other peace condition except reparations or transferral of Indian colonial trade, but not both. During the minor war Dutch Republic can form temporary alliances with countries that are at war with Great Britain. These alliances expire automatically when the minor war ends and are not worth any points.

Hungarian insurrection

The Austrian insurrection corps revolt. The revolt end when the insurrection corps have been killed to the last man or if 18 months have passed. The isurrection corps cannot win the war and no PP is awarded for winning it.

Mediterranean pirates

Roll 1d10 to determine the defending major.

1-4 Spain Control preference: Turkey, Great Britain, France, Austria, Russia, Prussia
5 Austria Control preference: Turkey, Spain, France, Great Britain, Russia, Prussia
6 France Control preference: Turkey, Great Britain, Spain, Austria, Prussia, Russia
7 Great Britain Control preference: Turkey, France, Spain, Russia, Austria, Prussia
8-10 Turkey (Knights of Malta) Control preference: Spain, Austria, Russia, Great Britain, Prussia, France

The pirates have 2 fleet counters and 2 corps, each with capacity of 8 infantry.
Against all but Turkey the pirates have the following forces: 2 frigates, 1 ship of the line and 1 infantry for each independent or Turkish controlled Ottoman harbour.
Against Turkey the Knights of Malta have 10 frigates, 5 ships of the line and 4 infantry for each of Malta and Cypros if not under Turkish control.
In addition to this Austria, Spain and France are allowed to gift the Knights between 0-2 manpower in each economic phase. For each manpower recieved, the Knights gain one infantry factor that can be placed in either Malta or Cypros if not controlled by Turkey or reinforced straight into their corps.

The defending major loses 5$ in every economic phase per each pirate / Maltan fleet counter on Mediterranean sea areas or blockade boxes. In addition Great Britain, if defending, loses half of it's colonial trade and Spain, if defending, has a -2 modifier to the Spanish Gold Convoy table.

The pirates / Maltans lose the war if any of their capitals has been conquered by the defending major for 3 months or if 18 months have passed. Alternatively Spain, France, Austria, Great Britain and Spain can pay the pirates, if defending, 50$ to end the war immediately.

Winning against the pirates is not worth any PP.

Polish revolt

If Poland is independent, it will declare war on a random major power with a conquered Polish province. The randomization is done in relation to how many Polish provinces each major has. The war will be fought as any normal war against Poland except that Poland also wins the war if it conquers a Polish province of the defending major for 3 months.
If Poland is a free state, the defender is resolved and the war works as above, but Poland has the forces of the free state.
If Poland does not exist as independent or freestate, a random Polish province revolts. A Polish corps and 2d6 infantry rise up in the province, in an area with no corps of the defending major or it's allies. The province gets a guerilla value of 3. If the revolt manages to conquer all of the cities in the province, the revolt is successful and the province becomes independent. If it is attacked, it has a third of the forces of a normal Poland. If the reborn Poland grows to 3 provinces it becomes a again a fully independent Poland with full forces. The revolt is defeated if the defending major conquers all of the cities in the revolting province for 3 months.

Balkan revolt

One random Turkish-owned feodal province (not Anatolia or Armenia) revolts along with it's feodal corps.
The revolt succeeds if the feodal corps keeps control of the province for 3 months. If the revolt succeeds, the province becomes independent unless it was originally a province of another major power, in which case it defects to the original owner.
The revolt is defeated if Turkey destroys the feodal corps or if 12 months have passed.
Controlling or winning the revolt is not worth any PP.

Wahbdist revolt

Palestine's controller loses 2 PP and 20$ after 3 months, reduced by 1$ for each factor in Corps. Each Corps also reduces the PP loss by 1.