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(Ak: Uusi sivu: Sääntöjen lukeminen perustuu vapaaehtoisuuteen. Ainoa asia mihin oikeasti kannattaa tutustua on seinällä oleva taistelutaulukko.<br> EIA hyllystä löytyy perus-säännöt.<b...)
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Nykyinen versio 31. maaliskuuta 2015 kello 17.55

Sääntöjen lukeminen perustuu vapaaehtoisuuteen. Ainoa asia mihin oikeasti kannattaa tutustua on seinällä oleva taistelutaulukko.

EIA hyllystä löytyy perus-säännöt.

Houseruleina käytetään yhdistelmää replacement säännöistä, eli saadakseen vahvistuksia, on sekä maksettava kortilla RP hinta ja menetetyistä napeista elimination hinta.

Paths of the Lance
An Expansion to DL 11, Dragons of Glory
Presented by Brothers-in-Arms Games, 2014
Paths of the Lance
An Expansion to
DL 11, Dragons of Glory
Table of Contents
New Sequence of Play………………………………1
Using The Event Cards…………………...………...1
New Rules ………………………………………….2
A. Highlords……………………………..2
B. Activating Neutral Nations…………...3
C. Leader Elimination…………………...3
D. Berem…………………………….…...3
E. Supply...........................…………...….4
F. Dragon-to-Fleet Combat.......................4
G. Victory Conditions................................4
H. War Status .............................................4
I. Starting Conditions ..............................5
J. Naval Stacking …................................5
Optional Rules..........…………………………….….5
A. Wizard Abilities……………………....5
B. Winter…………………………….…..5
C. Command and Control……………..…5
D. Resisting Invasion ……………………5
E. “Kriegspiel” Rolling .............................6
F. Supply and Re-building... ....................6
G. Zhakar ............................. ....................6
Historical Scenario Adjustments ...............................6
Paths of the Lance expands and breathes new
life into DL 11, Dragons of Glory. The game
becomes much more unpredictable as players play
cards out of their hands to make the War of the Lance
come to life.
Some of the rules in this expansion are necessary
to use the cards, while others are optional, adding
more depth to DL 11’s tried-and-true system.
Paths of the Lance is not intended to be a
complete game – you must own the DL 11 module to
use this expansion. There are many references to
rules from the module; if there are any holes or gray
areas in the expansion, refer to the original game.
New Sequence of Play
Each turn follows this new sequence:
1. Replenish hand. Each player gets five cards
from the Event Deck during Era 1, six
during Era 2 and seven during Era 3.
Players may discard one card at the end of
each turn.
2. Roll a d10 for initiative.
3. Event phase: one card is turned face-up from
the Event Deck. This card may be used
outside the normal flow of the game (see pg.
2, Using the Event Cards, section 1).
4. The player with initiative chooses to play
cards or move and fight.
5. The other side then may play cards or move.
6. The initiative player can then perform his
second phase, either play cards or move and
fight, whichever has not already been done.
7. The other side performs his second phase.
8. Check supply and apply the results.
9. Each side may play any number of cards
from their hands for RP's (re-build points),
using the points to flip depleted counters or
rebuild eliminated armies. Re-built armies
from the previous turn are placed.
10. Check for any automatic victory.
11. Each side may discard one card from his
hand and all discards are shuffled back into
the deck.
Using the Event Cards
There are 96 cards included in Paths of the
Lance. They represent items, events and
personalities from the War of the Lance. Players
control the flow of the game by playing these cards.
The number of cards in the Event Deck is affected
by the current era of the game. In the first era,
Autumn Twilight, only the cards with a red outline
around the event name at the top are included in the
deck. The blue-outlined second-era cards, Winter
Midnight, are shuffled into the deck when that era is
triggered. The third era, Spring Dawning, is
characterized by a green outline. These colors
correspond to the colors of the original Dragonlance
Chronicles novels.
When played, cards may be discarded (shuffled
back into the deck at the end of the turn) or
eliminated (removed from the game).
War status
Event title
Game effect
Cards may be played as an event, as assault points
(allowing attacks) or as re-build points (to reconstruct
destroyed armies). A card may only be played as one
of these three things. If a card is played for AP’s or
RP’s, it is discarded. A card’s value cannot be split
up – all points must be spent on either AP’s or RP’s.
Movement requires no cards.
If an activation card for a country that has already
joined the war is dealt to a player, the card is
eliminated and exchanged for another card.
1. Events
If the card is played as an event, it is removed
from the game, unless it has an asterisk by the event
title, in which case it is only discarded. Even though
the majority of card-play is limited to one phase per
turn, some cards (such as combat modifiers, initiative
modifiers, assault declarations, etc.) can be played at
the appropriate time.
During the Event phase (step 3 in the turn
sequence), if the drawn card has war status for one
side it is automatically given to that side in exchange
for a discard; if the card has no war status, the side
with initiative may trade one discard for it. To trade
a discard, the card must have the same AP+RP total
as the card being traded. Example: Fizban Appears is
drawn in the Event Phase. Since it has WS war status
on it, the WS player gets first shot at it no matter who
has initiative. The card has an AP+RP total of 6, so
the WS player discards Zhakar Joins the War
(AP+RP total of 6) and takes Fizban Appears.
If the card is a country activation, the side having
the initiative rolls to activate first (Diplomatic Coups
may be played). If the roll fails, the other side rolls
once. If both rolls fail, the card is discarded.
If neither side wants the card, it is discarded.
2. Assault Points
Any number of cards may be used for AP's in a
turn. Each cards AP's are denoted by the number of
crossbow icons on the card.
If the card is played as assault points, this allows
an equivalent number of stacks to be activated to
attack. These can be used for one attack or several
different ones. It is important to note that cards must
be declared for assault use during the movement
phase. Any movement from any stack into combat
must use an AP point, even if it is only one counter
from that stack.
3. Re-build Points
None of the replacement rules from the original
game are used. The HL player may not re-build until
the Dark Temple card is played.
During the replacement phase at the end of each
turn, players may discard any number of cards to rebuild
or replenish armies. Each RP (pick and shovel
icon on the card)may be used to re-build one strength
point of eliminated army or to replenish one point of
depleted armies/fleets.
Flying armies, leaders, undead, draconians and
Maelstrom fleets may not be re-built.
If RP's are used to re-build, the army is placed on
the next turn square on the turn track. An army must
be re-built to full strength; flipped armies cannot be
built. Re-built armies must be placed in or adjacent
to the capital appropriate to that nationality at the end
of that turn. Fleets must be placed in that country's
port city when re-built.
RP’s may also be used to replenish eligible
depleted (flipped) armies/fleets (see above for army
types that cannot be re-built). To be replenished, an
army/fleet must be in a city/port or fortress inside its
home borders.
Highlord mercenaries may be re-built and
replenished in Neraka, the Dark Temple or any
friendly human city. Knights may be re-built and
replenished in any knight nation.
RP's cannot be held over to the next turn and cards
may not be played as RP's unless the points are
needed to build.
4. Era Change
At War Status 15, the second-era cards are added
to the Event deck. At War Status 30, the third-era
cards are added to the Event deck. See Section H
under New Rules.
New Rules
A. Highlords
The Highlord player starts out with only Ariakas.
The other highlord counters must be brought into the
game through play of the dragonarmy wing cards.
There may only be six highlords in the game at
any one time: one highlord for each of the five
dragonwings plus Lord Ariakas. When a highlord is
eliminated, he or she is replaced according to this
Original highlord Replacement highlord
Kitiara - blue Bakaris
Salah Kahn - green Topus counter (Kadagh
ogre HL)
Bolas counter (Lucien was
the actual HL) - black
Misif counter (Hullek
Skullsmasher half-ogre HL)
Feal-Thas - white (*Toede)
Verminaard - red As’p Tueng counter (Kolanda
Darkmoor actual HL)
The three highlord counters Misif, Bolas, and
As’p Tueng have been, to date, impossible to
identify. It is recommended to create new counters
with the same combat/movement ratings, but with the
names changed as in the chart above. The Toede
highlord counter must be made with ratings of 1
combat and 10 movement.
Replacement highlords are placed immediately in
the Dark Temple when their predecessor dies, and are
immediately available for movement and combat. If
the replacement highlord is eliminated, there are no
second-level replacements.
Only Ariakas can be in the same stack with
another highlord. The others are too jealous of each
other to stack together, but may participate in the
same assault from different hexes.
B. Activating Neutral Nations
Neutral nations may be activated by (1) card play
(2) war status or (3) invasion.
1. Card play activations
An activation card allows the side who played it to
roll the appropriate number or less on a d10 to bring
that country into the war. Various event cards,
particularly Diplomatic Coup, can modify these
numbers. Only one Diplomatic Coup card can be
played per activation attempt. A country whose
forces are activated cannot move or attack until the
next turn, as mobilization may take some time. If the
activation roll fails, place the card back into the deck;
if it succeeds, the card is discarded permanently.
2. Knight nation activations
Knight nations may be activated beginning in the
second era. On the War Status chart, each time a
knight activation is called for, the WS player
immediately rolls <= (1 for each nation conquered by
HL + 1 for each knight nation already activated);
various bonuses come into play such as Victory Point
status (see the War Status chart). This activates the
knight nation of the WS player's choice. Diplomatic
Coup cards may not be used with knight nations.
The activations are attempted immediately when
the war status hits a knight activation square. Thus, if
the war status goes from 15 to 18 in one turn, a roll is
made for reaching 16 and another one for reaching
18, regardless of the phase or whose turn it is.
Example: when the war status reaches 18 in turn
14, Lemish and Vingaard have been conquered and
Gunthar has been activated. The VP total is at 12 in
favor of the HL player, so the roll gets a further +1.
The WS player must roll a 4 or less to activate
another knight nation.
After war status reaches 30, there is no need for it
to be tracked. If there are any knight nations left to
activate, a normal knight activation roll is made at
+2 every time an event occurs that would increase the
war status (HL conquers a country, status card
played, etc.)
3. Activation by invasion
The Highlord player can activate nations by
invasion. When a neutral nation is invaded, the
Highlord moves all the forces he is going to use for
the invasion one hex inside the country’s borders and
stops, declaring an invasion roll.
Knight nations will never join the Highlord, and
automatically join Whitestone if invaded.
The activation numbers below represent the
unmodified d10 roll that must be made to bring that
country into the war on either side. Some countries
are more disposed to fight the Highlords, some are
more likely to join them:
Nation HL # WS#
Blode, Kern, Mithas, Sanction,
Throtyl 7 1
Kothas, Khur, Tarsis, Lemish 4 2
Thorbardin, Zhakar, Hylo,
Goodlund, Nordmaar, Vingaard 1 4
Silvanesti, Qualinesti, Kaolyn,
-1 5
The above numbers are modified by the actual
strength of the forces used by the Highlord for the
invasion. Combine the combat strength of every HLaligned
army that has crossed the border and find the
appropriate bonus to the Highlord activation roll:
Invasion with: Bonus:
1-6 points +2 to WS roll
7-12 +1
13-16 0
17-22 +1 to HL roll
23+ +2
The Whitestone player rolls first to see if the
country fights the HL player. Diplomatic Coup cards
may be used to modify this roll for the WS player,
but not the HL player. If the WS roll fails, the HL
makes a roll to see if the country joins the
dragonarmies. The roll goes back and forth until the
country joins one side or the other. The country’s
armies are placed as soon as it is activated.
The armies of a country activated by invasion are
not available for movement or attack until the next
turn, regardless of which side it joins.
C. Leader Elimination
Leaders in eliminated stacks can roll their combat
rating or less on a d6 to be immediately placed in the
nearest friendly stack rather than being eliminated.
D. Berem
Before beginning play, a Berem counter will need
to be created by marking one of the blank white
counters that come with the original game.
The Berem counter comes into play when the
Everman Found card is played. As the key to
opening the gateway for the Dark Queen to come
through, he is very important to both sides. Once
placed, he cannot move unless captured.
Berem is captured when an assault against the hex
he is in results in the elimination of all armies he is
stacked with; Berem must now stay with one of the
victorious stacks. Berem cannot be eliminated.
If Berem first appears in a hex that already has
any type of army (air or ground) in it, he is captured
If the HL player moves the Berem counter into the
hex containing the Dark Temple, it is an automatic
HL victory.
Placing the Berem counter requires a d10 roll.
Consult the following chart:
Roll Location placed
1 Fortress on the Mithas island
2 Pax Tharkas
3 Fortress SW of Qualinesti
4 Kalaman
5 Palanthus
6 Kendermore
7 Hylo
8 Vingaard
9 WS choice*
10 HL choice*
* any neutral city on the continent – no islands; if
there are no neutral cities, roll again.
F. Dragon-to-Fleet Combat
Dragons may attack fleets but not vice-versa. The
dragons may pick which fleets to attack out of a
stack, but all fleets in the stack may fight back,
choosing which dragon to attack.
To assault fleets, the dragons may not move more
than half their movement rate for the turn. When the
battle is over, surviving dragons return to the land
hex from which they attacked.
The procedure is similar to fleet-to-fleet combat:
each dragon counter rolls its combat rating or less to
hit a fleet. Each fleet hits a dragon counter on a roll
of “1”. The dragons may withdraw from combat
after the first round, but fleets cannot. The combat
ends after two rounds regardless.
Leaders cannot benefit either side.
G. Victory Conditions
Automatic Victory:
The WS player may achieve automatic total
victory at any time by capturing the city containing
the Dark Temple, or by reaching 25 victory points at
the end of any turn. The HL player gets an automatic
total victory by bringing Berem to the Dark Temple,
or by reaching 25 victory points at the end of any
Victory Points and a Scored Victory:
The game begins with the victory marker on zero.
The game ends after Turn 30 if no side has won an
automatic victory. Whichever side has the victory
marker on his track has a varying degree of victory.
If the victory number is 1-12, it is a minor victory
with an uneasy truce. If the victory number is 13-24,
it is a major victory with the losing side unable to
recover for many years. If the victory number
reaches 25 for either side, the game is immediately
over in total victory.
Victory points are gained when a country allies
itself with one side – check the victory point chart
according to the country and move the victory
counter in that direction. If a country is conquered,
move the victory counter twice the normal victory
point value in favor of the conquering side.
Demi-human capitals that have been abandoned
are worthless, while the new capital sites are worth
the normal VP in addition to the VP for the city in
which they may be placed.
Maelstrom is considered conquered when the last
Maelstrom fleet is eliminated.
H. War Status
War status is a way of moving the game along in a
semi-historical manner. It represents the tensions on
Ansalon as countries fall to the Highlords and more
and more of the continent becomes embroiled in the
war by choosing a side.
War status begins at 1 and is increased by
activating and conquering nations. When a nation is
activated for either side, add one to War Status.
When a nation is conquered by either side, add one to
War Status.
The play of certain event cards can add war status;
these event cards marked with a blue or black oval in
the top middle add to the war status. When those
cards are played as events, war status goes up the
amount listed on the card. The Non-aggression Pact
card is an exception and actually subtracts 1 from war
status when played.
As mentioned before, when war status reaches 15,
add in the second-era cards; when it reaches 30, add
in third-era cards. After the changeover to the third
era, war status is no longer tracked, except for Knight
activation (see pg. 3 under Activating Neutral
When the era changes, both sides show their hand
at the end of the turn, before RP's are played. If the
HL player is holding any cards with a WS war status
marker (in blue), those cards are immediately played
and take effect, including their war status value. The
HL player then receives a VP penalty equal to the
war status value of those cards. The WS player
likewise follows the same procedure for any cards
with a black oval. The Non-aggression Pact card is
not considered in favor of either side for purposes of
this rule.
Any war status card caught in the other side's hand
at the change of the era that cannot be played
immediately due to unfulfilled conditions, etc., is
I. Starting Conditions
At the beginning of the game, the HL player
cannot use RP's until the Dark Temple card is played.
The WS player cannot attack an enemy hex with
armies from different countries until the Whitestone
Council card is played.
J. Naval Stacking
Only 4 fleets may stack in one hex.
Optional Rules
B. Winter
The winter turn affects several aspects of the
1. All rivers/bridges/fords are frozen and can
be moved or fought across with no penalties.
2. Fleets are reduced to 1/3 movement (round
3. All mountain passes are closed; no
movement or supplies can be traced through
4. Dwarf and ogre armies can still attack across
mountain hexsides, but at a -2 penalty to the
5. Air armies are reduced to half their
C. Command and Control
Leaders not only use their rating for combat, but
also to command armies. Their rating is the range in
hexes over which they can exert control. Any army
that is not within the command radius of an eligible
leader cannot move or attack.
Leaders are also limited in the types of armies
they can command and/or give a combat bonus:
1. Any Highlord-aligned army can be
commanded by a highlord.
2. Any Whitestone-aligned army can be
commanded by a knight leader.
3. Maelstrom fleets can only be commanded by
the Maelstrom or minotaur leaders. The
Maelstrom leader cannot influence land
4. Draconians can be commanded by highlords
5. A country leader can only command a stack
in which one of its armies is located.