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(Ak: Uusi sivu: Tämä sivu vastaa kysymykseen "miten Valtakunnassa asuva keskiverto Lohikäärmeverinen yleensä ajattelee historiasta?"…)
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Versio 6. syyskuuta 2011 kello 22.45

Tämä sivu vastaa kysymykseen "miten Valtakunnassa asuva keskiverto Lohikäärmeverinen yleensä ajattelee historiasta?" : (by AnubisXY) Long ago there were Primordial beings who ruled Creation with an iron fist. Eventually the Elemental Dragons, upset at the way humanity was treated, chose to Exalt the greatest among them. These Dragon Blooded rose up and defeated the Primordials and locked them away in Malfeas. Later, as an act of revenge, the Yozi taught mortals how to steal the power of the Incarna and thus the first Anathema were created.

At first the Anathema acted as great heroes and did good deeds. They became heroes for the world and the Dragon Blooded stood with them - even exulted them as leaders... at least at the beginning. Over time however, the demonic corruption inside of them began to spread. Eventually the Yozi took control of their minds and they ceased to be heroes. They became the blackest of villains and finally the Dragon Blooded were forced to rise up and overthrow them.

Should you meet an Anathema, do not be surprised if she is a grand hero with a noble goal. Do not be shocked if she saves the life of someone in need. For a time the Anathema retains her humanity and her soul. But eventually she will become nothing more than a puppet for darker forces. That is why it's important to kill the Anathema while they are still young and before they have unlocked their true power.

Yes, killing a child who has turned into an Anathema is difficult. He may not have done anything wrong yet. But he will. No matter how much he struggles his mind will fall, and then such will be his power that many, many will suffer. The Anathema must be stopped before that happens.

Tai kuten MissMaddy asian kirjoittaa samassa threadissa:
This is a repost, but I have found it a useful summery for my group so maybe you might find it useful as well.


Evil Yozi Priests discovered Yozi ritual to steal the power of the Incarna.

Evil Yozi Priests did this even though that is way too much juice for anybody to endure without going crazy.

Evil Yozi Priests achieved true and perfect immortality via strange and frightening bodyjumping this way. UNSPEAKABLE!

Evil Yozi Priests were defeated, along with the Yozi. Hurray! The Dragonblooded did this. Hurray!

The modern day...

... evil Yozi priests infest people, drawn to souls of great virtue, which they particularly enjoy devouring.

... if you are infected, you were probably a remarkable or virtuous person.

... that is too bad, as no cure is possible. Soon you will become Evil Yozi Priest #173. His/her evil anathama soul-body parasite is slowly eating your soul! Everything you are is now melting away bit by bit - sooner or later you will BE him/her. You can sit back and enjoy your very being being melted out of the cycle of reincarnation with nary a twitch however, because lucky for you, this is painless!

... Unlucky for you, the only way to keep the evil Yozi priest from fully returning and reclaiming the Dreadful Old Power is to kill you.

... of course, you may seem very nice, sympathetic, and heroic. That's the tragedy of this whole thing! You still have to die, because...

... nobody who has been infested has ever, ever managed to control or subdue evil Yozi priest. You are essentially already dead. If you somehow survive the Wyld Hunt, your personality will be completely subsumed by Evil Yozi Priest Real Soon Now. Then you wil attain the Old Power, and be much harder to kill, so. That would be awful.

The Evil yozi priests are very bad and terrible because they will never go away and they are therefore pretty much the most inauspicious and blasphemous thing you can imagine. Don't hold this against the Incarna; remember, evil yozi priests STOLE that power via those tricksy Yozi rituals. It wasn't given willingly. Dastards!

The Immaculates probably have a dubiously authentic list of names of the 'Original Yozi Sorcerers' and they decide which one you are becoming via vague criteria, I'd imagine.

Asiaa tutkiville Lohikäärmeverisille siis tunnustetaan, että aiemmin oli aika, jolloin Yozi-papit hallitsivat ja DB:t palvelivat. Asiaan perehtymällä saa selville, että tällöin Luomakunta oli laajempi ja sisälsi jopa sellaisia ihmeitä, joita Valtakunta ei nykyään kykene toistamaan. Kuitenkin suurimpaan osaan 1AK:n ihmeellisyyksistä kertovista tarinoista suhtaudutaan lapsellisina taruina tai propagandana. Tiettyjä asioita, kuten 1AK ei voida kuiten